Flowchart of Amiga Mind.Rexx AI Function Calls

                  ___________    _________________________________________
                 |Audition:  |  |Mind.rexx Level Three:  Auditory Memory. |
          Input  |User enters|  |ShortTermMem() enters quasi-phonemes     |
          :::::::|sentences. |  |(letters) into the engram array "ph.t".  |
                 |___________|  |_________________________________________|
                   |              /|\
           ________V___          __|_____________          _______________
          |Sensorium() |        |Comparator()    |        |String_effect()|
          |orchestrates|       \|matches input   |       \|passes         |
          |recognition |--------|phonemes against|--------|activation from|
          |of words.   |       /|auditory memory.|       /|one phonemic   |
          |            |        |________________|        |engram to its  |
          |            |                                  |successor.     |
          |            |       _____________________      |_______________|
          |            |/     |Main body DO-FOREVER |    _________________
          |            |------|loop calls functions |   |Metempsychosis() |
          |            |\    \|in simulation of     |   |(not yet coded)  |
          |            |------|massive parallelism. |   |will reload saved|
          |            |     /|_____________________|   |states of mind.  |
          |            |            |                   |_________________|
          |            |       _____V_______________________________
          |            |      |Language() synthesizes a sentence by |Output
          |            |      |calling modules that flush out words.|::::::
          |            |      |_____________________________________|
          |            |            |              |    |
          |            |         ___V____________  |  __V_________________
          |            |        |Subject() makes | | |Predicate() flushes |
          |            |        |a first call to | | |out the most active |
          |            |        |NounPhrase().   | | |verb in the lexicon.|
          |            |        |________________| | |____________________|
          |            |          |                |    |   |    |   |  |
          |            |          |   _____________V____V_  |    |   |  |
          |            |          |  |Deep_structure()    | |    |   |  |
          |            |          |  |transfers activation| |    |   |  |
          |            |          |  |from deep concepts  | |    |   |  |
          |            |          |  |to shallow lexicon. | |    |   |  |
          |            |          |  |____________________| |    |   |  |
          |            |         _V_________________________V_   |   |  |
          |            |        |NounPhrase() flushes out the |  |   |  |
          |            |        |momentarily most active noun |  |   |  |
          |            |        |to be subject or object of a |  |   |  |
          |            |        |verb around which a sentence |  |   |  |
          |            |        |is forming in the robot mind.|  |   |  |
          |            |        |_____________________________|  |   |  |
          |            |           |    |    |     |             |   |  |
          |            |           |    |    |  ___V_____________V_  |  |
          |            |           |    |    | |Ideadamp() de-     | |  |
          |            |           |    |    | |activates concepts.| |  |
          |            |           |    |    | |___________________| |  |
          |            |           |    |    |                       |  |
          |            |           |    |   _V_______________________V  |
          |            |           |    |  |Fiberdamp() deactivates   | |
          |            |           |    |  |words that have been used.| |
          |            |           |    |  |__________________________| |
          |            |           |   _V_____________________________  |
          |            |           |  |TransferAct() passes activation| |
          |            |           |  |from a temporal node on one    | |
          |            |           |  |concept to a synchronous node  | |
          |            |           |  |on an associated concept.      | |
          |            |           |  |_______________________________| |
          |            |/        __V____________________________________V_
          |            |--------|Reentry() submits the output of the mind |
          |            |\       |back into the mind as auditory input.    |
          |            |        |It is how a brain "hears itself think."  |
          |            |        |_________________________________________|
          |            |
          |            |     ______________________________________
          |            |   \|Wordend() is a waystation on the path |
          |            |----|of dealing with recognized words.     |
          |____________|   /|______________________________________|
              |                                           |
           ___V____________                               |
          |Retro() assigns |                              |
          |"ultimate-tags" |                              |
          |at end of words.|  __________________          |
          |________________| |Level Two of Mind:|         |
              |              |Attach() creates  |         |
              |              |quasi-fibers of   |         |
           ___V_________     |lexical items in  |         |
          |Newconcept() |    |the compound-stem |      ___V_______________
          |records new  |   \|array "fiber.n.t",|/    |Oldconcept() renews|
          |lexical items|----|which holds the   |-----|old lexical items  |
          |and their    |   /|controlling       |\    |and their          |
          |corresponding|    |flag-panel for    |     |corresponding      |
          |concepts in  |    |a word stored in  |     |concepts in the    |
          |the mindcore.|    |auditory memory.  |     |monad.f.t mindcore.|
          |_____________|    |__________________|     |___________________|
                 |                                        |      |
                 |                                        |      |
           ______V________________________________________V__   _V________
          |    Level One:  The Mindcore                      | |Holodyne()|
          |Instantiate() holds 64 primitive concepts         | |activates |
          |optimized for porting to 64-bit DEC Alpha         | |all nodes |
          |and any new concepts learned by Mind.rexx         | |of one    |
          |in the compound-stem array "monad.f.t".           | |concept.  |
          |__________________________________________________| |__________|


  • mindrexx.html is an archive of the 26.Nov.1994 107K main Amiga Mind.Rexx program.

    Various interim releases are available on AmiNet.

  • http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/aminet/dirs/aminet/util/rexx/MindRexx.readme
  • http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/aminet/dirs/aminet/util/rexx/Mindrx.readme

    The Mind.Rexx flow-chart of this page was once archived in Japan at the site
  • http://axion-gw.ee.uec.ac.jp/japanese/link/Resources/ai/Mind.rexx.html

  • ai4u_157.html is the successor system-diagram of the more advanced AI Mind.

  • Comparator() above became the audRecog mind-module after Mind.REXX AI.

  • Holodyne() above became the Activate mind-module.

  • Language() above became the Think and English mind-modules.

  • Predicate() above became the verbPhrase mind-module.

  • Retro() was absorbed into the Newconcept and Oldconcept mind-modules.

  • String_effect() was absorbed into the audRecog mind-module.

  • Subject() above became part of the SVO (subject-verb-object) mind-module.

  • TransferAct() above became the spreadAct mind-module.

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    Creation date: December 1994
    Previous update: 7 July 2001
    Last updated: 2 April 2005
    Return to top; or to the
    Sitemap of the AI Mind Project.