Artificial Mind Control Panel - AI User Manual - AI Lab Notes - MindForth -
Transcript Tutorial Diagnostic HALT Astral Harvest (Terminate by closing artificial-life window)
Output of the Modular AI Mind will appear here.
Enter subject + verb + object and wait for spreading activation to generate a thought.
Informative messages will appear here.
MSIE/ View/ Source: File/ Save As... C:\Mind.html
Unclick Diagnostic prior to clicking on Transcript.
   Subject associates to verb.   Verb associates to object.    Object free-associates.
  |--------------------------|  |--------------------------|  |----------------------|
  | CATS associates to CHASE |  | EAT associates to  BUGS  |  | FISH activates CATCH |
  | CATS associates to LOVE  |  | EAT associates to +FISH  |  | FISH activates LIKE  |
  | CATS associates to HATE  |  | EAT associates to  BIRDS |  | FISH activates EAT   |
  | CATS associates to EAT   |   --------------------------   | FISH activates CHASE |
  | CATS associates to NEED  |                                | FISH activates AVOID |
   --------------------------                                   ---------------------