Summon the AI4U Textbook Mind into your presence with MSIE.

English Bootstrap Module of the Mind.Forth AI Breakthrough
by Mentifex

1. Theory of AI4U Textbook Algorithm Steps: Code the English Bootstrap Mind-Module

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Each Syntax Needs Bootstrap Words /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /   EYE       \                                 /    EAR      \
|               |CONCEPTS                       |   _________   |
|               |   | | |     ______________    |  /enBoot   \  |
|   _______     |   | | |    /              \   | / English   \ |
|  /old    \!!!!|!!!|!| |   / German syntax  \  | \ bootstrap / |
| / image   \---|---|-+ |   \ (needs deBoot) /  |  \"vault"  /  |
| \ recog   /   |   |c| |    \______________/   |   \_______/   |
|  \_______/    |   |a| |    _______________    |oldest memories|
|               |   |t| |   /               \   |to be forgotten|
|               |   |s| |  / Japanese syntax \  |               |
|   visual      |  e| | |  \  (needs jaBoot) /  |newest memories|
|               |  a| | |   \_______________/   |to be recycled |
|   memory      |  t| | |           _______     |periodically by|
|               |   | |f|          /       \    |backwards shift|
|   channel     |   | |i|         / English \---|-------------\ |
|               |   | |s|         \ syntax  /   |             | |
|               |   | |h|          \_______/    |             | |
|   _______     |   | | |              |        |   ________  | |
|  /new    \    |   |_|_|_           __V____    |  / "cats" \ | |
| / percept \   |  / Psi  \---------/ En    \---|-/  "eat"   \| |
| \ engram  /---|-/concepts\ reify / lexicon \  | \  "fish"  /  |
|  \_______/    | \________/-------\_________/--|--\________/   | shows a Theory of Mind.

The brain-mind diagram above shows how the idea or concept of
"cat" in the semantic memory of the mind must be linked by an
associative tag to the temporal string of phonemic engrams of
the word "c-a-t" in the auditory memory channel of the mind,
so that if your robot sees a cat, the sight of the cat will
cause an old image to send out a spike of recognition
that activates the idea of "cat." Then the concept of cat
sends another associative spike into the auditory memory where
the phonemic sequence of the word "c-a-t" may be heard,
and your robot may either think or say the word "cat" to you.

2. Each Bootstrap Supports Basic Language Fluency

The Robot AI Mind automatically assigns the various associative
tags and phonemic memory engrams necessary for the function of
the brain-mind in your robot, and the English bootstrap "enBoot"
(or the German bootstrap "deBoot" or the French "frBoot"; etc.)
makes it easier for your robot to "hit the ground thinking" in
whatever language you choose for conversing with your robot.
As more and more creative geniuses advance the state of the art
of the Semantic Web by coding each species of Robot AI Mind,
bootstrap sequences may wither away and disappear from robots
that are born with a clean slate of no memory, as in a baby.

The paleorobotic AI Mind is not born with a "clean slate"
of no memory, and for several compelling reasons. Because
the Robot AI Mind is an attempt to replicate not a baby but
a mature, thinking mind, bootstrap routines are necessary to
give the thinking mechanisms of your robot some initial memory
data to work with. Each bootstrap routine is handcrafted to
coordinate the anchoring of rudimentary core concepts in
three inextricably integrated memory channels of the AI:

The phonemic auditory memory channel "Aud";
The English word-controlling lexical memory array "En ";
The "deep structure" mindcore concept array "Psi ".
Since a concept in the Psi mindcore is associated with its
English lexical enVocab "handle" and with its phonemic word
engrams in the auditory memory channel, care must be taken
to embed the correct tags and flags in all three channels --
a job that will be performed automatically and effortlessly
once the Robot AI Mind is up and running.

The enBoot module in the AI Mind may serve three or more purposes.
It may serve to introduce and anchor down core concept words from
the proposed Standards in Artificial Intelligence as found on-line at or elsewhere by a Web search on the title.
Not only core concept words, but also successively more advanced
syntactic structures may be introduced in the enBoot module.
Although one goal of the Robot AI Mind is to achieve the dynamic
learning of new languages and of new syntax by means of a looping
spiral of additions to, and deletions from, innate or bootstrapped
knowledge, early releases of the Robot AI Mind in any given
programming language must be bootstrapped into the ability
to handle the most primitive syntax before learning is coded.

In the JavaScript tutorial version of your Robot AI Mind,
which can not be used for robot control, as Mind.Forth can,
because of security built into JavaScript, special DIY AI marker
points may indicate to artificial intelligence do-it-yourselfers
where they may change a line of code to suit their own purposes,
such as tailoring the AI with particular output messages or with
special names or special material presented on screen or on paper.
Even the bootstrap area is subject to DIY AI alteration, if
coders observe in Troubleshooot mode all the flag-settings
and timings that need to be coordinated for the successful
insertion of a new or modified bootstrap sequence.

Given enough space, the enBoot module might be filled with
a special expert system or with a knowledge base that might
be needed in a customer-service or informational display setting.
The enBoot module is very much an area where AI coders have
the temptation to play deity with the Robot AI Mind. is an overview of Mind.

3. JavaScript free Seed AI source code with free User Manual
// enBoot() English language bootstrap is called by
// BODY onLoad and should run only once in each session.
// It should therefore be outside of the main loop.
// deBoot() would be a ("deutsch") German language bootstrap.
// jaBoot() would be a Japanese language bootstrap module.
function enBoot() {  // ATM 12aug2002; or your ID & date.
HCI(); // Run HCI so that only CHECKED items appear.


t=1;  pho="Y"; act=0; pov="#"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0;  audSTM();
t=2;  pho="E"; act=0; pov="#"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0;  audSTM();
t=3;  pho="S"; act=0; pov="#"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=32; audSTM();
t=3;  psi=32;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=4; seq=0; enx=32; Instantiate();
t=3;  nen=32;  act=0; fex=32;       pos=4; fin=32; aud=1; enVocab();

t=5;  pho="I"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=6;  pho="F"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=20; audSTM();
t=6;  psi=20;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=3; seq=0; enx=20; Instantiate();
t=6;  nen=20;  act=0; fex=20;       pos=3; fin=20; aud=5; enVocab();

t=8;  pho="T"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=9;  pho="H"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=10; pho="E"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=7; audSTM();
t=10; psi=7;   act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=1; seq=0; enx=7; Instantiate();
t=10; nen=7;   act=0; fex=7;        pos=1; fin=7; aud=8; enVocab();

t=12; pho="T"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=13; pho="R"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=14; pho="U"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=15; pho="T"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=16; pho="H"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=68; audSTM();
t=16; psi=68;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=66; enx=68; Instantiate();
t=16; nen=68;  act=0; fex=68;       pos=5; fin=68; aud=12; enVocab();

t=18; pho="I"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=19; pho="S"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=66; audSTM();
t=19; psi=66;  act=0; jux=0; pre=68; pos=8; seq=0; enx=66; Instantiate();
t=19; nen=66;  act=0; fex=66;        pos=8; fin=66; aud=18; enVocab();

t=21; pho="T"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=22; pho="H"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=23; pho="A"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=24; pho="T"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=22; audSTM();
t=24; psi=22;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=3; seq=0; enx=22; Instantiate();
t=24; nen=22;  act=0; fex=22;       pos=3; fin=22; aud=21; enVocab();

t=26; pho="A"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=27; pho="L"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=28; pho="L"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=2; audSTM();
t=28; psi=2;   act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=1; seq=0; enx=2; Instantiate();
t=28; nen=2;   act=0; fex=2;        pos=1; fin=2; aud=26; enVocab();

t=30; pho="R"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=31; pho="O"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=32; pho="B"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=33; pho="O"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=34; pho="T"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=35; pho="S"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=39; audSTM();
t=35; psi=39;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=67; enx=39; Instantiate();
t=35; nen=39;  act=0; fex=39;       pos=5; fin=39; aud=30; enVocab();

t=37; pho="A"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=38; pho="R"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=39; pho="E"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=67; audSTM();
t=39; psi=67;  act=0; jux=0; pre=39; pos=8; seq=38; enx=67; Instantiate();
t=39; nen=67;  act=0; fex=67;        pos=8; fin=67; aud=37; enVocab();

t=41; pho="P"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=42; pho="E"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=43; pho="R"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=44; pho="S"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=45; pho="O"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=46; pho="N"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=47; pho="S"; act=0; pov="#";  beg=0; ctu=0; psi=38; audSTM();
t=47; psi=38;  act=0; jux=0; pre=67; pos=5; seq=0; enx=38; Instantiate();
t=47; nen=38;  act=0; fex=38;        pos=5; fin=38; aud=41; enVocab();

t=49; pho="B"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=50; pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=51; pho="C"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=52; pho="A"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=53; pho="U"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=54; pho="S"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=55; pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=18; audSTM();
      psi=18;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=3; seq=0; enx=18; Instantiate();
      nen=18;  act=0; fex=18;       pos=3; fin=18; aud=49; enVocab();

t=57; pho="W"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=58; pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=53; audSTM();
      psi=53;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=0; enx=53; Instantiate();
      nen=53;  act=0; fex=53;       pos=5; fin=56; aud=57; enVocab();

t=60; pho="T"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=61; pho="H"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=62; pho="I"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=63; pho="N"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=64; pho="K"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=63; audSTM();
      psi=63;  act=0; jux=0; pre=53; pos=8; seq=0; enx=63; Instantiate();
      nen=63;  act=0; fex=63;        pos=8; fin=63; aud=60; enVocab();

t=66; pho="T"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=67; pho="H"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=68; pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=69; pho="N"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=13; audSTM();
      psi=13;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=2; seq=0; enx=13; Instantiate();
      nen=13;  act=0; fex=13;       pos=2; fin=13; aud=66; enVocab();

t=71; pho="N"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=72; pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=27; audSTM();
      psi=27;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=4; seq=0; enx=27; Instantiate();
      nen=27;  act=0; fex=27;       pos=4; fin=27; aud=71; enVocab();

t=74; pho="Y"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=75; pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=76; pho="U"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=56; audSTM();
      psi=56;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=0; enx=56; Instantiate();
      nen=56;  act=0; fex=56;       pos=5; fin=50; aud=74; enVocab();

t=78; pho="A"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=79; pho="N"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=80; pho="D"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=17; audSTM();
      psi=17;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=3; seq=0; enx=17; Instantiate();
      nen=17;  act=0; fex=17;       pos=3; fin=17; aud=78; enVocab();

t=82; pho="I"; beg=1; ctu=0; psi=50; audSTM();
      psi=50;  act=32; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=61; enx=50; Instantiate();
      nen=50;  act=0; fex=50;        pos=5; fin=56; aud=82; enVocab();

t=84; pho="D"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=85; pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=59; audSTM();
      psi=59;  act=0; jux=0; pre=50; pos=8; seq=0; enx=59; Instantiate();
      nen=59;  act=0; fex=59;        pos=8; fin=59; aud=84; enVocab();

t=87; pho="N"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=88; pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=89; pho="T"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=12; audSTM();
      psi=12;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=2; seq=0; enx=12; Instantiate();
      nen=12;  act=0; fex=12;       pos=2; fin=12; aud=87; enVocab();

t=91; pho="K"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=92; pho="N"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=93; pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=94; pho="W"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=61; audSTM();
      psi=61;  act=36; jux=12; pre=50; pos=8; seq=16; enx=61; Instantiate();
      nen=61;  act=0; fex=61;          pos=8; fin=61; aud=91; enVocab();

t=96; pho="W"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=97; pho="H"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=98; pho="Y"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=16; audSTM();
      psi=16;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=2; seq=0; enx=16; Instantiate();
      nen=16;  act=0; fex=16;       pos=2; fin=16; aud=96; enVocab();

t=100;pho="S"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=101;pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=102;pho="M"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=103;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=69; audSTM();
      psi=69;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=1; seq=0; enx=69; Instantiate();
      nen=69;  act=0; fex=69;       pos=1; fin=69; aud=100; enVocab();

t=105;pho="P"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=106;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=107;pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=108;pho="P"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=109;pho="L"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=110;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=37; audSTM();
      psi=37;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=70; enx=37; Instantiate();
      nen=37;  act=0; fex=37;       pos=5; fin=37; aud=105; enVocab();

t=112;pho="H"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=113;pho="A"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=114;pho="V"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=115;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=70; audSTM();
      psi=70;  act=0; jux=0; pre=37; pos=8; seq=0; enx=70; Instantiate();
      nen=70;  act=0; fex=70;        pos=8; fin=70; aud=112; enVocab();

t=117;pho="A"; beg=1; ctu=0; psi=1; audSTM();
      psi=1;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=1; seq=0; enx=1; Instantiate();
      nen=1;  act=0; fex=1;        pos=1; fin=1; aud=117; enVocab();

t=119;pho="F"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=120;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=121;pho="A"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=122;pho="R"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=71; audSTM();
      psi=71;  act=0; jux=0; pre=70; pos=5; seq=0; enx=71; Instantiate();
      nen=71;  act=0; fex=71;        pos=5; fin=71; aud=119; enVocab();

t=124;pho="O"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=125;pho="F"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=45; audSTM();
      psi=45;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=6; seq=0; enx=45; Instantiate();
      nen=45;  act=0; fex=45;       pos=6; fin=45; aud=124; enVocab();

t=127;pho="W"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=128;pho="H"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=129;pho="O"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=55; audSTM();
      psi=55;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=0; enx=55; Instantiate();
      nen=55;  act=0; fex=55;       pos=5; fin=55; aud=127; enVocab();

t=131;pho="I"; beg=1; ctu=0; psi=50; audSTM();
      psi=50;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=57; enx=50; Instantiate();
      nen=50;  act=0; fex=50;       pos=5; fin=56; aud=131; enVocab();

t=133;pho="A"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=134;pho="M"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=57; audSTM();
      psi=57;  act=0; jux=0; pre=50; pos=8; seq=0; enx=57; Instantiate();
      nen=57;  act=0; fex=57;        pos=8; fin=67; aud=133; enVocab();

t=136;pho="O"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=137;pho="R"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=21; audSTM();
      psi=21;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=3; seq=0; enx=21; Instantiate();
      nen=21;  act=0; fex=21;       pos=3; fin=21; aud=136; enVocab();

t=139;pho="W"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=140;pho="H"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=141;pho="A"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=142;pho="T"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=54; audSTM();
      psi=54;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=0; enx=54; Instantiate();
      nen=54;  act=0; fex=54;       pos=5; fin=54; aud=139; enVocab();

t=144;pho="T"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=145;pho="H"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=146;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=147;pho="Y"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=52; audSTM();
      psi=52;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=62; enx=52; Instantiate();
      nen=52;  act=0; fex=52;       pos=5; fin=52; aud=144; enVocab();

t=149;pho="S"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=150;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=151;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=62; audSTM();
      psi=62;  act=0; jux=0; pre=52; pos=8; seq=54; enx=62; Instantiate();
      nen=62;  act=0; fex=62;        pos=8; fin=62; aud=149; enVocab();

t=153;pho="I"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=154;pho="N"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=44; audSTM();
      psi=44;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=6; seq=0; enx=44; Instantiate();
      nen=44;  act=0; fex=44;       pos=6; fin=44; aud=153; enVocab();

t=156;pho="M"; beg=1; ctu=1; psi=0; audSTM();
t=157;pho="E"; beg=0; ctu=0; psi=65; audSTM();
      psi=50;  act=0; jux=0; pre=0; pos=5; seq=0; enx=65; Instantiate();
      nen=65;  act=0; fex=50;       pos=5; fin=56; aud=156; enVocab();

  pre = 0;   // Reset for safety.
  psi = 0;   // Reset for safety.
  t = (t+1); // Create a gap of time.
  vault = t; // Declared at start for audSTM(); now for Rejuvenate().
  t = (t+1); // For a space before user input.
  spt = t;   // space-time; henceforward to be calculated
  nlt = t;   // "not-later-than" time.
  pho=" ";   // Reset to prevent reduplication.
  // Any additional words for any bootstrap may be included:
  // Concept #65 is quasi-noun "me".
  // Concept #66 is verb "is".
  // Concept #67 is verb "are".
  // Concept #68 is noun "truth".
  // Concept #69 is adjective "some".
  // Concept #70 is verb "have".
  // Concept #71 is noun "fear".
  nen = 71;  // Or higher if any special words are included.
  fyi = "enBoot: English bootstrap has loaded; calling aLife()";
  Voice();   // Display the Voice:brain "fyi" message.
  // After HTML page has loaded, the next line calls "aLife()":
} // End of "enBoot" English bootstrap with supernumerary "me" (65).

4. Mind.Forth free artificial general intelligence with User Manual
\ enBoot (the English language bootstrap) holds the bootstrap
\ sequences for thinking in English.  Instead of enBoot there
\ could be deBoot for thinking in German (deutsch), or jaBoot
\ for thinking in Japanese, or several such bootstraps together.
\ POS: 1=adj 2=adv 3=conj 4=interj 5=noun 6=prep 7=pron 8=verb
:  enBoot  \ ATM 4aug2002; or your ID & date.
  0 t !  t @  spt !  ." (clearing memory...)"
  CR ." There is no warranty for what this software does."

    1 t ! 89 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ Y
    2 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
    3 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 32 psi ! audSTM \ S
 32 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 4 pos !  0 seq ! 32 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 32 nen !  0 act ! 32 fex !          4 pos ! 32 fin !  1 aud ! enVocab

    5 t ! 73 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ I
    6 t ! 70 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 20 psi ! audSTM \ F
 20 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 3 pos !  0 seq ! 20 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 20 nen !  0 act ! 20 fex !          3 pos ! 20 fin !  5 aud ! enVocab

    8 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
    9 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
   10 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu !  7 psi ! audSTM \ E
  7 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 1 pos !  0 seq !  7 enx ! INSTANTIATE
  7 nen !  0 act !  7 fex !          1 pos !  7 fin !  8 aud ! enVocab

   12 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
   13 t ! 82 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ R
   14 t ! 85 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ U
   15 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
   16 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 68 psi ! audSTM \ H
 68 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos ! 66 seq ! 68 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 68 nen !  0 act ! 68 fex !          5 pos ! 68 fin ! 12 aud ! enVocab

   18 t ! 73 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ I
   19 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 66 psi ! audSTM \ S
 66 psi !  0 act !  0 jux ! 68 pre ! 8 pos !  0 seq ! 66 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 66 nen !  0 act ! 66 fex !          8 pos ! 66 fin ! 18 aud ! enVocab

   21 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
   22 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
   23 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
   24 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 22 psi ! audSTM \ T
 22 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 3 pos !  0 seq ! 22 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 22 nen !  0 act ! 22 fex !          3 pos ! 22 fin ! 21 aud ! enVocab

   26 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
   27 t ! 76 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ L
   28 t ! 76 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu !  2 psi ! audSTM \ L
  2 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 1 pos !  0 seq !  2 enx ! INSTANTIATE
  2 nen !  0 act !  2 fex !          1 pos !  2 fin ! 26 aud ! enVocab

   30 t ! 82 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ R
   31 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
   32 t ! 66 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ B
   33 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
   34 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
   35 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 39 psi ! audSTM \ S
 39 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 39 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 39 nen !  0 act ! 39 fex !          5 pos ! 39 fin ! 30 aud ! enVocab

   37 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
   38 t ! 82 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ R
   39 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 67 psi ! audSTM \ E
 67 psi !  0 act !  0 jux ! 39 pre ! 8 pos ! 38 seq ! 67 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 67 nen !  0 act ! 67 fex !          8 pos ! 67 fin ! 37 aud ! enVocab

   41 t ! 80 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ P
   42 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
   43 t ! 82 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ R
   44 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ S
   45 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
   46 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ N
   47 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 38 psi ! audSTM \ S
 38 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 38 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 38 nen !  0 act ! 38 fex !          5 pos ! 38 fin ! 41 aud ! enVocab

   49 t ! 66 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ B
   50 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
   51 t ! 67 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ C
   52 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
   53 t ! 85 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ U
   54 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ S
   55 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 18 psi ! audSTM \ E
 18 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 3 pos !  0 seq ! 18 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 18 nen !  0 act ! 18 fex !          3 pos ! 18 fin ! 49 aud ! enVocab

   57 t ! 87 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ W
   58 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 53 psi ! audSTM \ E
 53 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 53 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 53 nen !  0 act ! 53 fex !          5 pos ! 56 fin ! 57 aud ! enVocab

   60 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
   61 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
   62 t ! 73 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ I
   63 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ N
   64 t ! 75 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 63 psi ! audSTM \ K
 63 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 8 pos !  0 seq ! 63 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 63 nen !  0 act ! 63 fex !          8 pos ! 63 fin ! 60 aud ! enVocab

   66 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
   67 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
   68 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
   69 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 13 psi ! audSTM \ N
 13 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 2 pos !  0 seq ! 13 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 13 nen !  0 act ! 13 fex !          2 pos ! 13 fin ! 66 aud ! enVocab

   71 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ N
   72 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 27 psi ! audSTM \ O
 27 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 4 pos !  0 seq ! 27 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 27 nen !  0 act ! 27 fex !          4 pos ! 27 fin ! 71 aud ! enVocab

   74 t ! 89 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ Y
   75 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
   76 t ! 85 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 56 psi ! audSTM \ U
 56 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 56 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 56 nen !  0 act ! 56 fex !          5 pos ! 50 fin ! 74 aud ! enVocab

   78 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
   79 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ N
   80 t ! 68 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 17 psi ! audSTM \ D
 17 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 3 pos !  0 seq ! 17 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 17 nen !  0 act ! 17 fex !          3 pos ! 17 fin ! 78 aud ! enVocab

   82 t ! 73 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 0 ctu ! 50 psi ! audSTM \ I
 50 psi ! 32 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 1 pos ! 61 seq ! 50 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 50 nen !  0 act ! 50 fex !          1 pos ! 56 fin ! 82 aud ! enVocab

   84 t ! 68 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ D
   85 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 59 psi ! audSTM \ O
 59 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 8 pos !  0 seq ! 59 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 59 nen !  0 act ! 59 fex !          8 pos ! 59 fin ! 84 aud ! enVocab

   87 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ N
   88 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
   89 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 12 psi ! audSTM \ T
 12 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 2 pos !  0 seq ! 12 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 12 nen !  0 act ! 12 fex !          2 pos ! 12 fin ! 87 aud ! enVocab

   91 t ! 75 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ K
   92 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ N
   93 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
   94 t ! 87 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 61 psi ! audSTM \ W
 61 psi ! 36 act ! 12 jux ! 50 pre ! 8 pos ! 16 seq ! 61 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 61 nen !  0 act ! 61 fex !          8 pos ! 61 fin ! 91 aud ! enVocab

   96 t ! 87 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ W
   97 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
   98 t ! 89 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 16 psi ! audSTM \ Y
 16 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 2 pos !  0 seq ! 16 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 16 nen !  0 act ! 16 fex !          2 pos ! 16 fin ! 96 aud ! enVocab

  100 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ S
  101 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
  102 t ! 77 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ M
  103 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 69 psi ! audSTM \ E
 69 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 1 pos !  0 seq ! 69 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 69 nen !  0 act ! 69 fex !          1 pos ! 69 fin ! 100 aud ! enVocab

  105 t ! 80 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ P
  106 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
  107 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
  108 t ! 80 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ P
  109 t ! 76 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ L
  110 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 37 psi ! audSTM \ E
 37 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos ! 70 seq ! 37 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 37 nen !  0 act ! 37 fex !          5 pos ! 37 fin ! 105 aud ! enVocab

  112 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
  113 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
  114 t ! 86 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ V
  115 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 70 psi ! audSTM \ E
 70 psi !  0 act !  0 jux ! 37 pre ! 8 pos !  0 seq ! 70 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 70 nen !  0 act ! 70 fex !          8 pos ! 70 fin ! 112 aud ! enVocab

  117 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 0 ctu !  1 psi ! audSTM \ A
  1 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 1 pos !  0 seq !  1 enx ! INSTANTIATE
  1 nen !  0 act !  1 fex !          1 pos !  1 fin ! 117 aud ! enVocab

  119 t ! 70 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ F
  120 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
  121 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
  122 t ! 82 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 71 psi ! audSTM \ R
 71 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 71 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 71 nen !  0 act ! 71 fex !          5 pos ! 71 fin ! 119 aud ! enVocab

  124 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
  125 t ! 70 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 45 psi ! audSTM \ F
 45 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 6 pos !  0 seq ! 45 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 45 nen !  0 act ! 45 fex !          6 pos ! 45 fin ! 124 aud ! enVocab

  127 t ! 87 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ W
  128 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
  129 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 55 psi ! audSTM \ O
 55 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 55 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 55 nen !  0 act ! 55 fex !          5 pos ! 55 fin ! 127 aud ! enVocab

  131 t ! 73 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 0 ctu ! 50 psi ! audSTM \ I
 50 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos ! 57 seq ! 50 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 50 nen !  0 act ! 50 fex !          5 pos ! 56 fin ! 131 aud ! enVocab

  133 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
  134 t ! 77 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 57 psi ! audSTM \ M
 57 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 8 pos !  0 seq ! 57 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 57 nen !  0 act ! 57 fex !          8 pos ! 57 fin ! 133 aud ! enVocab

  136 t ! 79 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ O
  137 t ! 82 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 21 psi ! audSTM \ R
 21 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 3 pos !  0 seq ! 21 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 21 nen !  0 act ! 21 fex !          3 pos ! 21 fin ! 136 aud ! enVocab

  139 t ! 87 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ W
  140 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
  141 t ! 65 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ A
  142 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 54 psi ! audSTM \ T
 54 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 54 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 54 nen !  0 act ! 54 fex !          5 pos ! 54 fin ! 139 aud ! enVocab

  144 t ! 84 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ T
  145 t ! 72 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ H
  146 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
  147 t ! 89 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 52 psi ! audSTM \ Y
 52 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos ! 62 seq ! 52 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 52 nen !  0 act ! 52 fex !          5 pos ! 52 fin ! 144 aud ! enVocab

  149 t ! 83 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ S
  150 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ E
  151 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 62 psi ! audSTM \ E
 62 psi !  0 act !  0 jux ! 52 pre ! 8 pos ! 54 seq ! 62 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 62 nen !  0 act ! 62 fex !          8 pos ! 62 fin ! 149 aud ! enVocab

  153 t ! 73 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ I
  154 t ! 78 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 44 psi ! audSTM \ N
 44 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 6 pos !  0 seq ! 44 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 44 nen !  0 act ! 44 fex !          6 pos ! 44 fin ! 153 aud ! enVocab

  156 t ! 77 pho ! 35 pov !  1 beg ! 1 ctu !  0 psi ! audSTM \ M
  157 t ! 69 pho ! 35 pov !  0 beg ! 0 ctu ! 65 psi ! audSTM \ E
 50 psi !  0 act !  0 jux !  0 pre ! 5 pos !  0 seq ! 65 enx ! INSTANTIATE
 65 nen !  0 act ! 50 fex !          5 pos ! 56 fin ! 156 aud ! enVocab

  1 t +!
    t @  vault !  \ Retain size of enBoot for Rejuvenate.
  1 t +!          \ For a space before user input.
    t @ nlt !  ( nlt may be basis for DAMP functions )
            \ Assign concepts only above the pre-set first 64.
  71 nen !  \ Or higher if any more special words are included.
  5 bias !  \ Expect first to parse a noun=5.
  0 pho !  \ Reset to prevent reduplication.
  0 pre !  0 seq !  \  Prevent carry-overs.
;  \ End of enBoot; return to the main ALIFE loop. is the Mind.Forth User Manual. explains the Seed AI variables.

5. Analysis of the Modus Operandi

The enBoot module inserts bootstrap data into memory arrays.
At the end, time "t" is incremented by one unit, and the counting
variable "nen" for the number of a concept in the English vocabulary
enVocab module is set to a value of sixty-four so that the first
sixty-four English concept slots may be reserved for core concepts --
even if not all of the Psi mindcore concepts have been assigned yet.
As each Robot AI Mind species in each implementational language grows,
it may be necessary to reserve room for 128 or 256 or 512 core concepts.
There is no rush here to implement a large number of the core concepts,
because the choice of the core concepts is a matter for a 'Net-wide AI
standards consensus that evolves among all interested parties.

6. Troubleshooting and Robotic Psychosurgery

Try in advance not to introduce any evolutionary bugs.

The AI Debugger program may shed some light in general on how to debug
and troubleshoot programs in artificial intelligence.

7. Bootstrap Resources

The English Bootstrap mind-module is the subject of Chapter 22
in your POD (print-on-demand) AI4U textbook,
as worthily reviewed and intellectually evaluated
by Mr. Christopher Doyon of the on-line Turing Store; and
by Prof. Robert W. Jones of Emporia State University.
A search on eBay may reveal offerings of AI4U and
a catalog search for hardbound and paperback copies
may reveal libraries beyond the following where students
of artificial intelligence may borrow the AI4U textbook:
  • Hong Kong University Call Number: 006.3 M981
  • North Carolina State University (NCSU) Call Number: Q335 .M87 2002
  • Texas A&M University
    Consider as a way to
    circulate and track your wandering copy of AI4U.
    At your own library you may submit a request for
    the acquisition of AI4U with ISBN 0595654371.

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