1. General brain-mind diagram of Mind.Forth and Mind.html Seed AI
_______________________________________________________________ | The Environment | | ____________ _____________ | | _____________| The Senses |______________| The Muscles |___ | | | \ \ \ \ \ The Body | | | | | | | | | ________\ \ \ \ \__________________|_|_|_|_|____ | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ | Cerebellum || | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ | (Motor Habituation) || | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \___________________/ | | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / | | | | Feature Extraction: | | | | | The Brain / / / / / | | | | | |------------+-+-+-+-+----------+-+-+-+-+--------| | | | | Oldest |Memories: S| |M| |C| |||||||| |M| |M| |C | | | | | | e| |e| |h| |Concept |o| |e| |h | | | | | | n| |m| |a| |||||||| |t| |m| |a | | | | | | s| |o| |n| |Fibers| |o| |o| |n | | | | | | o| |r| |n| |||||||| |r| |r| |n | | | | | | r| |y| |e| |as the| | | |y| |e | | | | | Newest |Memories: y| | | |l| |||||||| | | | | |l | | | | | | | | | |s| | Core | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |of the| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mind | | | | | | | | | | |(Future |Memories:) | | | | | |||||||| | | | | | | | | | | |________________________________________________| | | | |___________________________________________________________| | |_______________________________________________________________|See the Sensorium algorithm in AI4U Chapter 23.
2. Concepts, volition and emotion in the abstract memory channel. Hearing Vision Concepts Volition Emotion Motor Output /iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ /YYYYYYYYYYYY\ | ||||||| || ||||||| | T | |||||||||||| | | ||||||| || | ___ | | + | |||||||||||| | | ||||||| || / \ | + | |S|||||||||| | | ||||||| || (image)-|---+_ | |H|||||||||| | | ||||||| || \___/ | / \ | |A|||||||||| | | ||||||| || | (idea) __ | |K|||||||||| | | | ||||| || | \__/---------------/ \ | |E|||R|||||| | | |d------||---------|---+ ____ (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| | | ||||o|| || | +-------/ \----\__/ | |||||N|||P|| | | ||g|||| || | + / de- \---------|------*|||E|| | | || |||| || | + ( ci- ) | |||||||||T|| | | ||||||| || | + \ sion /---------|----------*|| | | ||||||| || | + \____/ | |||||||||||| |See the Volition algorithm in AI4U Chapter 5.
3. Visual image recognition leads to activation of a concept. /^^^^^^^^^\ Image-to-Concept Visual Recognition /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ / auditory \ / memory \ T / memory \ | _______asso-|ciative | | | | /image \rec-|ognition | | | | / percept \---|---------+ | | | \ engram / |tag c|f | | | \_______/ | o|i | | | | n|b _________ | | | | c|e /SYNTAX OF\ | | | | e|r ( ENGLISH ) | | | | p| \_________/---|-------------\ | | _______ | t| flush-vector| | ________ | | | /fresh \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | | | / image \ | /psi \------/ en \----|-/ aud \| | | \ engram /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |http://mind.sourceforge.net/visrecog.html uses this diagram.
4. The main aLife loop or module controls the artificial AI Mind. /^^^^^^^^^\ Artificial aLife Rejuvenates Itself /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ / ________ \ / memory \ | | | | | | | | / / audSTM \ \ | _______ | | | | | + | | | | / vault \ | | /image \ | | | | | | | + | | \__________/ | | / percept \---|-------+ | | | | | + |oldest memories| | \ engram / | a|C|f| | | + | | |to be forgotten| | \_______/ | b|O|i| + | | | | | | | | s|N|b| | | | + | |bulk of memory | | | t|C|e| | + | | | |to be recycled | | | r|E|r| + | | | | |periodically by| | | a|P|s| | | | | + |backwards shift| | _______ | c|T| | | | + | | | ________ | | /fresh \ | t|_|_|_ |_|_|_|_| | / \ | | / image \ | /Psi \-----/ English \---|-/ auditory \ | | \ engram /---|---/concepts\---/ lexicon \--|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \___________/ | \________/ |See the Artificial Life (aLife) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 1.
5. A mindcore concept may be expressed in English or any language. /^^^^^^^^^\ English As One Syntax Among Several /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ / auditory \ / memory \ T / memory \ | _______asso-|ciative | ________ | channel | | /image \rec-|ognition | / FRENCH \ | | | / percept \---|---------+ \________/ | | | \ engram / |tag c|f __________ | | | \_______/ | o|i / JAPANESE \ | | | | n|b \__________/ | | | | c|e _________ | | | | e|r / ENGLISH \ | | | | p|s \_________/---|-------------\ | | _______ | t| flush-vector| | ________ | | | /fresh \ | ___|__ ____V__ | / \ | | | / image \ | / Psi \-----/ En \----|-/ Aud \| | | \ engram /---|----/concepts\---/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |See the English thought algorithm in AI4U Chapter 7.
6. Mind.Forth and Mind.html use a bootstrap of English words. /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Each Syntax Needs Bootstrap Words /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ / EAR \ | |CONCEPTS | _________ | | | | | | ______________ | /enBoot \ | | _______ | | | | / \ | / English \ | | /old \!!!!|!!!|!| | / German syntax \ | \ bootstrap / | | / image \---|---|-+ | \ (needs deBoot) / | \"vault" / | | \ recog / | |c| | \______________/ | \_______/ | | \_______/ | |a| | _______________ |oldest memories| | | |t| | / \ |to be forgotten| | | |s| | / Japanese syntax \ | | | visual | e| | | \ (needs jaBoot) / |newest memories| | | a| | | \_______________/ |to be recycled | | memory | t| | | _______ |periodically by| | | | |f| / \ |backwards shift| | channel | | |i| / English \---|-------------\ | | | | |s| \ syntax / | | | | | | |h| \_______/ | | | | _______ | | | | | | ________ | | | /new \ | |_|_|_ __V____ | / "cats" \ | | | / percept \ | / Psi \---------/ En \---|-/ "eat" \| | | \ engram /---|-/concepts\ reify / lexicon \ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \________/-------\_________/--|--\________/ |See the English Bootstrap (enboot) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 22.
7. Mind.Forth and Mind.html think by activating concepts. /^^^^^^^^^\ Hearing "c-a-t" Activates A Concept /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ _______ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS / New- \ / cat = input \ | _______ | | | | _______ ( Concept ) | | | /old \!!!!|!!|!| | / Old- \ \_______/ | C match! | | / image \---|----+ | ( Concept ) | | +A match! | | \ fetch / | |C| | \_______/----|--------|----T recog! | | \_______/ | |A| | | \ | | | | | |T| | __V___ \ | | C match! | | visual | c|S| | / \ \ | | +A match! | | | a| | | (Activate) \_V____ | ++T busy | | memory | t| | | \______/ / \ | S skip | | | c| | | | ( Parser ) | U skip | | reactivation | h| |m| __V____ \______/ | P skip | | | | |i| / \ |noun? | | | channel | | |c| (spreadAct) |verb? | C match! | | _______ | | |e| \_______/ |conj.? | +A match! | | /old \ | |_|_| / ______V____ | R stop | | / image \ | / \/ / \ | | | \ store /---|-\ Psi /------( Instantiate ) | | | \_______/ | \___/ \___________/ | |See the Activate algorithm in AI4U Chapter 33.
8. A process of spreading activation engenders thought. t = time | | | | | | | | | | 100 | +------------+------------+ | | cats | | | | | | fish | 200 +-------------------+-------------------+ | | | | | | | | 300 | +----------+----------+ | | horses | | | | hay | 400 +-------------------+--------+ | | | | | worms | 500 | +------+------+ | | dogs | meat | fish eat bugsSee the Spreading Activation (spreadAct) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 34.
9. Mind.html shows spreading activation dynamically in tutorial mode.
Subject associates to verb. Verb associates to object. Object free-associates. |--------------------------| |--------------------------| |--------------------| | CATS associates to CHASE | | EAT associates to BUGS | | FISH tickles CATCH | | CATS associates to LOVE | | EAT associates to +FISH | | FISH tickles LIKE | | CATS associates to HATE | | EAT associates to BIRDS | | FISH tickles EAT | | CATS associates to EAT | -------------------------- | FISH tickles CHASE | | CATS associates to NEED | | FISH tickles AVOID | -------------------------- --------------------
10. Reify transfers activation from concepts to words of English. /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Reify Gives Names to Abstractions /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ CONCEPTS in SEMANTIC MEMORY / EAR \ | | | | | _______ | ________ | | _______ | | | | / \ | /"katzen"\ | | /old \!!!!|!!!|!| | / German \ | / "essen" \ | | / image \---|---|-+ | \ syntax / | \ "fische" / | | \ recog / | |c| | \_______/ | \________/ | | \_______/ | |a| | _______ | _________ | | | |t| | / \ | /"feles" \ | | | |s| | / Latin \ | / "pisces" \ | | visual | e| | | \ syntax / | \"manducant"/ | | | a| | | \_______/ | \_________/ | | memory | t| | | _______ | | | | | |f| / \ | | | channel | | |i| / English \---|-------------\ | | | | |s| \ syntax / | | | | | | |h| \_______/ | | | | _______ | | | | flush-vector| | ________ | | | /new \ | |_|_|_ __V____ | / "cats" \ | | | / percept \ | / Psi \---------/ En \---|-/ "eat" \| | | \ engram /---|-/concepts\ reify / lexicon \ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \________/-------\_________/--|--\________/ |See the Reify algorithm in AI4U Chapter 18.
11. The moving wave of highest activations is a flash of thought. /^^^^^^^^^^^\ SVO = 1:Subject +2:Verb +3:Object /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ | | | __________ / auditory \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | memory | | /"cats" \ | | | | \__________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|---|-+-|--------/--\-----------|---c-a-t-s | | | \ engram / | e|c|f| ____/ \____ | | | | \_______/ | a|a|i| /Noun\ /Verb\ | | | | | t|t|s| (Phrase) (Phrase) | | | | | |s|h| \____/ \____/ | | | | | | | | 1|Subj. / 2|Verb | | | | | | | | | Obj./3 | | | | | _______ | | | | | / _|___ | ________ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| _|___/ / En \ | / \ | | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-/ "eat" \| | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|--\________/ |See the Think algorithm in Chapter 6.
12. The simplest English syntax is Subject + Verb + Object (SVO). /^^^^^^^^^^^\ SVO = 1:Subject +2:Verb +3:Object /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ | | | __________ / auditory \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | memory | | /image \ | | | | \__________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|-----+ | / \ | channel | | | \ engram / | a|c|f| ____/ \____ | where | | | \_______/ | b|o|i| /Noun\ /Verb\ | verbal | | | | s|n|b| (Phrase) (Phrase) | thinking | | | | t|c|e| \____/ \____/ | is | | | | r|e|r| 1|Subj. / 2|Verb | perceived | | | | a|p|s| | Obj./3 | | | | | _______ | c|t| | | / _|___ | ________ | | | /fresh \ | t|_|_| _|___/ / En \ | / \ | | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-/ Aud \| | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|--\________/ |See the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 12.
13. Negation of SVO requires an auxiliary verb and the word "not". /^^^^^^^^^\ Generation of "men do not see God" /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ | | | ____________ / EAR \ / \ | | | / negSVO \ / \ | _______ | | | | ( Sentence ) | | | /image \ | | | | \____________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|-----+ | | | | | | | \ engram / | a| | | | V_________ | | | | \_______/ | b|C| | | / Verb \ | THINKING | | | | s|O|f| | ( Phrase ) | WITH A | | | | t|N|i| | \__________/ | SENTENCE | | | | r|C|b| V___ /| | | | IN THE | | | VISUAL | a|E|e| /Noun\/ | | | | AUDITORY | | | MEMORY | c|P|r| (Phrase) | | | | MEMORY | | | CHANNEL | t|T|s| \____/ | | | | CHANNEL | | | | | | | | ____V | | | | | | | | | | | / Aux \ | | | "men" | | | | | | | | \"do" / _V__ | | "do" | | | | | | | | \___/ / \ | | | | | | | | | | /Adverb\ | | | | | | | | | | \ "not"/ | | "not" | | | | | | | | \____/ | | "see" | | | | | | | | ______V | "God" | | | _______ | | | | V______ / \ | ________ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| / \ \English/ | /words as\ | | | / image \ | / \ \English/ \Verbs/--|-/ auditory \| | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /--\Nouns/ \___/ | \ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \___/ \___/--------------|--\________/ |See the negSVO algorithm in AI4U Chapter 10.
14. The asking of a simple question requires an auxiliary verb. /^^^^^^^^^\ Generation of "do cats eat fish?" /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ Auxiliary +Subject +Verb +Object / EAR \ / \ | | | ___________ / \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | | | /"cats" \ | | | | \___________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|---|-+ | | \ | | | | \ engram / | e|c|f| | _\____ | | | | \_______/ | a|a|i| | / Verb \ | | | | | t|t|s| | ( Phrase ) | | | | | |s|h| | /\______/ | | | | visual | | | | | / / | | auditory | | | | | | | ___|__ / / | | | | | memory | | | | / Noun \/ _/_ | | memory | | | | | | |( Phrase ) /Aux\ | | | | | channel | | | | \______/ \___/ | | channel | | | | | | | | \ | | ____ | | | | | | | | \ | | / \ | | | _______ | | | | | _\_|_ | /"do" \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| _|___ / En \ | / "cats" \ | | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-/ "eat" \| | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|--\________/ |See the Ask algorithm in AI4U Chapter 8.
15. Most questions with "what" require an auxiliary verb. /^^^^^^^^^\ Generation of "what do fish do?" /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ Pronoun +AuxVerb +Subject +Verb / EAR \ / \ | | | ___________ / \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | | | /"fish" \ | | | | \___________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|---|-+ | | \ | | | | \ engram / | d|f|w| | _\____ | | | | \_______/ | o|i|h| | / Verb \ | | | | | |s|a| | ( Phrase ) | | | | visual | |h|t| | /\______/ | auditory | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | memory | | | | ___|__ / / | | memory | | | | | | | / Noun \/ _/_ | | | | | channel | | | |( Phrase ) /Aux\ | | channel | | | | | | | \______/ \___/ | | ____ | | | | | | | | \ | | / \ | | | | | | | | \ | | /"what"\ | | | _______ | | | | | _\_|_ | / "do" \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| _|___ / En \ | / "fish" \| | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-\ "do" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|---\______/ |See the wtAuxSDo algorithm in AI4U Chapter 9.
16. Auxiliary verbs help to generate statements and questions. /^^^^^^^^^\ Generation of "what do you see?" /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ Pronoun +AuxVerb +Subject +Verb / EAR \ / \ | | | ___________ / \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | | | /image \ | | | | \___________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|---|-|-+ | \ | | | | \ engram / | s|y|w| | _\____ | | | | \_______/ | e|o|h| | / Verb \ | | | | | e|u|a| | ( Phrase ) | | | | visual | | |t| | /\______/ | auditory | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | memory | | | | ___|__ / / | | memory | | | | | | | / Noun \/ _/_ | | | | | channel | | | |( Phrase ) /Aux\ | | channel | | | | | | | \______/ \___/ | | ____ | | | | | | | | \ | | / \ | | | | | | | | \ | | /"what"\ | | | _______ | | | | | _\_|_ | / "do" \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| _|___ / En \ | / "you" \| | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-\ "see" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|---\______/ |See the Auxiliary Verb (auxVerb) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 11.
17. The nounPhrase module finds the most active noun-concept. /^^^^^^^^^\ Subject of Verb = Noun Phrase /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ Direct Object = Noun Phrase / EAR \ / \ ______________ / \ | | | | | ( Sentence ) | | | _______ | | | | \____________/-------|-------------\ | | /image \ | | | | | \ | | | | / percept \---|-----+ | | \______ | auditory | | | \ engram / | a| | | | / Verb \ | memory | | | \_______/ | b|c| | | ( Phrase ) | channel | | | | s|o|f| | \______/ | where | | | visual | t|n|i| | / | | thoughts | | | | r|c|b| | / | | enter | | | memory | a|e|e| | / | | and | | | | c|p|r| ___V__/ | | reenter | | | channel | t|t|s| / Noun \ | | the | | | | | | | ( Phrase ) | | conscious | | | | | | | \______/ | | Mind | | | | | | | | | | ________ | | | _______ | | | | _____V____ __V__ | / \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| ( English ) / En \ | / "cats" \| | | / image \ | / \ \ Nouns / / Verbs \-|-\ "eat" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /--\ / \_______/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \____/-------------|---\______/ |See the nounPhrase algorithm in AI4U Chapter 15.
18. The Article module decides whether to think "a" or "the". /^^^^^^^^\ nounPhrase calls the Article module /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ ____________ / EAR \ / \ / \ / \ | | | | ( Sentence ) | auditory | | _______ | | | \____________/ | memory | | /image \ | | | | \______ | channel | | / percept \--|-----+ | / Verb \ | where | | \ engram / | a|c|f | ( Phrase ) | the | | \_______/ | b|o|i | \______/ | Article | | | s|n|b _____V__/ | | module | | visual | t|c|e / Noun \ | | activates | | | r|e|r ( Phrase ) | | an engram of | | memory | a|p|s \________/ | | "a" or "the" | | | c|t| ______|__ | | | | | channel | t| | ( Article ) | | | | | | | | \ "the" / | | | | | ______ | | | \ "a" / | __V__ | | | / \ | | | \___/ | / En \ | "I" | | / reentry\ | | | ________V_ ( Verbs )-|--- "have" | | / of \ | |_|_ ( English ) \_____/ | "a" | | \remembered/ | / \ \ Nouns /-----------|-- "dream" | | \ image /--|--\ Psi /---\ / | | | \______/ | \___/ \____/ | |See the Article algorithm added to the AI Mind design on 23.AUG.2008.
19. As a wave of thought moves, psiDamp damps each concept down. /^^^^^^^^^\ psiDamp sustains a chain of thought /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ __________ / auditory \ / memory \ | | | / Activate \ / memory \ | _______ | | | | \__________/ | channel | | / image \----|-------+ | |+| _________ | where | | / percept \ | a|C|f| |+| / psiDamp \ | chains | | \ recog / | b|O|i| |+| \_________/ | of | | \_______/ | s|N|b| |+| |+| _____ | thought | | | t|C|e| |+| | | /psi- \ | are | | | r|E|r| |+| |+| \Decay/ | perceived | | | a|P|s| |+| | | \___/ | ______ | | | c|T| | |+| |+| |-| | / \ | | _______ | t| | | |+| | | |-| | / "what" \ | | / new \ | ___|_|_|__|+|__|+|___|-|___ | / "do" \ | | / percept \ | /Activation of a Psi concept\ | \ "fish" / | | \ engram /---|-\drops sharply after thought/ | \ "eat" / | | \_______/ | \_________________________/ | \______/ |See the psiDamp algorithm listed on page 164 in your AI4U textbook.
20. The psiDecay module lets subconscious concepts linger briefly. /^^^^^^^^^\ psiDecay deactivates Psi concepts /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ __________ / auditory \ / memory \ | | | / Activate \ / memory \ | _______ | | | | \__________/ | channel | | / image \----|-------+ | |+| _________ | where | | / percept \ | a|C|f| |+| / psiDamp \ | chains | | \ recog / | b|O|i| |+| \_________/ | of | | \_______/ | s|N|b| |+| |+| _____ | thought | | | t|C|e| |+| | | /psi- \ | are | | | r|E|r| |+| |+| \Decay/ | perceived | | | a|P|s| |+| | | \___/ | | | | c|T| | |+| |+| |-| | ________ | | _______ | t| | | |+| | | |-| | / \ | | / new \ | _|_|_|__|+|__|+|___|-|_ | / "fish" \ | | / percept \ | /Psi concepts subject to\ | \ "eat" / | | \ engram /---|--/ psiDecay if not thought \ | \ "bugs" / | | \_______/ | \_________________________/ | \______/ |See the psiDecay algorithm listed on page 165 in your AI4U textbook.
21. The Ego module re-activates the self if thought has died out. /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Concept of self or "I" as gang of /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / VISION \ logically equivalent neurons / HEARING \ | | linked by associative tags | | | episodic | I-----I I I I | episodic | | visual | I I I I I | auditory | | memory | I I I I I | memory | | recognitions | I-----I I I I | activations | | /--------|------I I-------------I | | | | | I I I I I | | | +--------|------I I I---I I | | | | | I I I I I | | | | | I I I I I | | | +--------|----------------------I I | | | ___|___ | I I I I I | ________ | | /image \ | I I I I I | /my \ | | / of my \---|------I I I I I----|--/ phonemic \ | | \ visage / | I I I I I | \ name / | | \_______/ | I I I I I | \________/ |See the Ego algorithm in AI4U Chapter 20.
22. The verbPhrase module finds the most active verb-concept. /^^^^^^^^^\ Verb-Phrase = Verb +/- Noun-Phrase /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ Generation of "cats eat fish" / EAR \ / \ | | | ___________ / \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | | | /"cats" \ | | | | \___________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|---|-+ | | \ | | | | \ engram / | e|c|f| | _\____ | auditory | | | \_______/ | a|a|i| | / Verb \ | memory | | | | t|t|s| | ( Phrase ) | channel | | | visual | |s|h| | /\______/ | where | | | | | | | | / | | ideas | | | memory | | | | ___|__ / | | (re)enter | | | | | | | / Noun \/ | | the | | | channel | | | |( Phrase ) | | conscious | | | | | | | \______/ | | Mind | | | | | | | | | | ________ | | | _______ | | | | | __V__ | / \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| _V___ / En \ | / "cats" \| | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-\ "eat" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|---\______/ |See the verbPhrase algorithm in AI4U Chapter 14.
23. The Conjoin module joins two ideas with a conjunction. /^^^^^^^^^\ Thinking "...because I love you" /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ | | | ____________ / auditory \ / memory \ | | | / Conjoined \ / memory \ | channel | | | | ( Sentence ) | channel | | _______ | | | | \____________/-------|-------\ | | /image \ | | | | | | \ | | | | / percept \---|-----+ | | | \____ | | | | \ engram / | a| | | | | /Verb\ | | | | \_______/ | b|c| | | | (Phrase) | | | | | s|o|f| | | /\____/ | | | | | t|n|i| | _V__/ | | | | | | r|c|b| | /Noun\ | | | | | | a|e|e| | (Phrase) | | ___|___ | | | c|p|r| _V_ \____/ | | / \ | | | t|t|s| / \ | | | / \ | | | | | | (Conj.) | | | |"because"| | | | | | | \___/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |"I" | | | _______ | | | | ________V_ __V__ | | | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| ( English ) / En \--|--|"love" | | | / image \ | / \ \ Nouns / / Verbs \ | | | | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /--\ / \_______/ | \"you" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \____/-------------|---\_______/ |See the Conjoin algorithm in AI4U Chapter 13.
24. The Speech module converts thought to audible verbal output. /^^^^^^^^^\ ____________ /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ | | | / Volition \ / EAR \ / \ | | | ( or Free Will ) / \ | _______ | | | | \____________/ | speech | | /"cats" \ | | | | | | | vocalizes | | / percept \---|---|-+ | | ___V____ | phonemes | | \ engram / | e|c|f| | / \ | retrieved | | \_______/ | a|a|i| | ( Sentence )---|-------------\ | | | t|t|s| _V__ \________/ | from | | | visual | |s|h| / \ | | | engrams | | | | | | | (Speech) | _V__ | in | | | memory | | | | \____/ | /Verb\ | the | | | | | | | _V__ (Phrase) | auditory | | | channel | | | | /Noun\/\____/ | memory | | | | | | | (Phrase) | | channel | | | | | | | \____/ | | ________ | | | _______ | | | | | __V__ | / \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| ______V_ / En \ | / "cats" \| | | / image \ | / \ (English ) / Verbs \-|-\ "eat" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /--\Nouns / \_______/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \____/-------------|---\______/ |See the Speech algorithm in AI4U Chapter 16.
25. The Reentry module feeds output back into the mind as input. /^^^^^^^^^\ ________ /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ CONCEPTS / \ / EAR \ / \ | | | ( Volition ) / \ | _______ | | | | ______ \________/ | auditory | | /old \!!!!|!!!|!| | / \/ | memory | | / image \---|---|-+ | ( Speech ) | channel | | \ recog / | |c| | \______/\ _______ | where | | \_______/ | |a| | \/ \ | thoughts | | | |t| | ______ ( Reentry ) | enter | | visual | |s| | / \ \_______/ | and | | | e| | | (Sentence)------------|-------------\ | | memory | a| | | \______/\ ______ | reenter | | | | t| | | | \/ Verb \ | the | | | channel | | |f| _V__ ( Phrase ) | conscious | | | | | |i| /Noun\ /\______/ | Mind | | | | | |s| /Phrase\/ | | ________ | | | _______ | | |h| \______/ _V_____ | / \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| | /English\ | / "cats" \| | | / percept \ | / \ __V____ ( Verbs )-|-\ "eat" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-( Nouns ) \_______/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_____/-------------|---\______/ |See the Reentry algorithm in AI4U Chapter 17.
26. The Listen module waits for an event of input to Audition. /^^^^^^^^^^^\ _____ /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ | | | /New- \ / Listen() \ | _______ | | | | _____ (Concept)--|-------------\ | | /old \ | | | | /Old- \ \_____/ | audRecog() | | | / image \---|-----+ | (Concept)----|-------|----------\ | | | \ recog / | a|C|f| \_____/-----|-------|-------\ | | | | \_______/ | b|O|i| |______| | c | | | | | | s|N|b| /Parser()\ | a | | | | | | t|C|e| \________/ | t | | | | | | r|E|r| ________|______ | s-/ | | | | | a|P|s| / \ | e | | | | | c|T| | ( Instantiate() ) | a | | | | _______ | t| | | \_______________/ | t-----/ | | | /new \ | |_|_| / _____ _____ | f | | | / percept \ | / \/ / En \ / En \ | i | | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \--/ Verbs \ | s | | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/ \_______/ | h-------/ |See the Listen algorithm in AI4U Chapter 25.
27. The Audition module receives input for the sense of hearing. /^^^^^^^^^\ Word-Audition Brings Images To Mind /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ _______ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS / New- \ / \ | _______ | | | | _______ ( Concept )-|-------------\ | | /old \!!!!|!!|!| | / Old- \ \_______/ | Audition | | | / engram \---|----+ | ( Concept )-----|------|----------\ | | | \ fetch / | | | | \_______/------|------|-------\ | | | | \_______/ | | | | | \ | | c | | | | | | a| | | __V___ \ | | a | | | | | visual | b|C| | / \ \ | | t | | | | | | s|O|f| (Activate) \ _V__ | s-/ | | | | memory | t|N|i| \______/ \/ \ | | | | | | r|C|b| | / \ | e | | | | reactivation | a|E|e| __V____ ( Parser ) | a | | | | | c|P|r| / \ \ / | t-----/ | | | channel | t|T|s| /spreadAct\ \____/ | | | | _________ | |_|_| \_________/ | | f | | | /composite\ | / Psi \/ ________V__ | i | | | / remembered\ |( Mind- ) / \ | s | | | \ images /-|-\Core /------( Instantiate ) | h-------/ | | \_________/ | \___/ \___________/ | |See the Audition algorithm in AI4U Chapter 24.
28. The audSTM module stores words as strings of phonemic engrams. /^^^^^^^^^\ Recall Of Knowledge On Seeing A Cat /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ REACTIVATED / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS / _________ \ | _______ | | | | SEMANTIC MEMORY | /enBoot \ | | /"cat" \!!!!|!!!|!| | | / English \ | | / image \---|---|-+ | __________ | \ bootstrap / | | \ recog / | |c| | / \ | \"vault" / | | \_______/ | |a| | ( Sentence ) | \_______/ | | | |t| | \__________/--------|-------------\ | | recognition | |s| | | \ ______ | audSTM short| | | of "cat" | e| | | | \/ Verb \ | term memory | | | results in | a| | | | ( Phrase ) | where ideas | | | spreading | t| | | ___V__ /\______/ | are heard or| | | activation | | |f| / Noun \/ | | generated, | | | among related | | |i| ( Phrase ) | | then stored | | | concepts | | |s| \______/ | | ________ | | | _______ | | |h| | _V_____ | / \ | | | /new \ | |_|_| _V___ /English\ | / "cats" \| | | / percept \ | / \ / En \ \ Verbs /-|-\ "eat" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /--/ Nouns \ \_____/ | \ "fish" / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/-----------|---\______/ |See the Auditory Short Term Memory (audSTM) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 26.
29. audRecog recognizes words by comparison with words in memory. /^^^^^^^^^\ Auditory Recognition of "c-a-t-s" /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ REACTIVATED / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS /"CATS"=input \ | _______ | | | | SEMANTIC MEMORY | | | /old \!!!!|!!!| | | | C match! | | / image \---|-----+ | ___ | -A match! | | \ fetch / | |c| | / \ | R stop | | \_______/ | |a| | / \ | S drop | | | |t| | / Old- \ | | | visual | |s| | ( Concept ) | C match! | | | e| | | \ / | -A match! | | memory | a| | | /\ /!!!!!|!!!!T match! | | | t| | | ______/ \___/------|-----S recog! | | reactivation | | |f| / \ | | | | | |i| ( Parser ) | C match! | | channel | | |s| \______/ | -A match! | | _______ | | |h| | | --T match! | | /old \ | |_|_| _V_________ | ---S busy | | / image \ | / \ / \ | U drop | | \ store /---|--\ Psi /--( Instantiate ) | P drop | | \_______/ | \___/ \___________/ | |See the Auditory Recognition (audRecog) Comparator algorithm in AI4U Chapter 27.
30. The newConcept module handles the input of unfamiliar words. /^^^^^^^^^\ Unrecognized Words Are New Concepts /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ _____ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS /New- \ / \ | _______ | | | | _____ (Concept)--|-------------\ | | /old \ | | | | /Old- \ \_____/ | Audition | | | / image \---|-----+ | (Concept)----|-------|----------\ | | | \ recog / | a| | | \_____/-----|-------|-------\ | | | | \_______/ | b|C| | |______| | c | | | | | | s|O|f| /Parser()\ | a | | | | | visual | t|N|i| \________/ | t | | | | | memory | r|C|b| ________|______ | s-/ | | | | channel | a|E|e| / \ | e | | | | | c|P|r| ( Instantiate() ) | a | | | | _______ | t|T|s| \_______________/ | t-----/ | | | /new \ | |_|_| / _____ _____ | f | | | / percept \ | / \/ / En \ / En \ | i | | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \--/ Verbs \ | s | | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/ \_______/ | h-------/ |See the newConcept algorithm in AI4U Chapter 28.
31. The enVocab module keeps track of English vocabulary words. /^^^^^^^^^\ enVocab Adds New English Vocabulary /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS in SEMANTIC MEMORY / ________ \ | ______ | | | | _____ | / enBoot \ | | / old \!!!!|!!!|!| | / \ | / English \ | | / image \---|---|-+ | _____ / New- \ | \ "vault" / | | \ recog / | |c| | / \ ( Concept ) | \________/ | | \______/ | |a| | / Old- \ \_______/--|-------------\ | | | |t| | ( Concept )--|---|----|----------\ | | | visual | |s| | \_______/---|---|----|-------\ | | | | | e| | | _|_______V_ | | c | | | | | memory | a| | | / Parser \ | | a | | | | | | t| | | \___________/ | | t | | | | | reactivation | | |f| |noun? | | s-/ | | | | | | |a| |verb? | | e | | | | channel | | |u| ____V________ | | a | | | | | | |n| ( Instantiate ) | | t-----/ | | | ______ | | |a| \___________/ | | f | | | / old \ | |_|_| / ________V_ | a | | | / image \ | / \/ / \ | u | | | \ store /---|--\ Psi / ( enVocab ) | n | | | \______/ | \___/ \__________/ | a------/ |See the English Vocabulary (enVocab) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 31.
32. oldConcept creates an associative node for a recognized word. /^^^^^^^^^\ A Recognized Word Activates An Idea /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ _______ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS / New- \ / \ | _______ | | | | _______ ( Concept ) | C match! | | /old \!!!!|!!|!| | / Old- \ \_______/ | +A match! | | / image \---|----+ | ( Concept ) | | ++T match! | | \ fetch / | |c| | \_______/------|------|-----S recog! | | \_______/ | |a| | | \ | | | | | |t| | __V___ \ | | C match! | | visual | |s| | / \ \ | | +A match! | | | e| | | (Activate) \ _V__ | ++T match! | | memory | a| | | \______/ \/ \ | +++S busy | | | t| | | | / \ | U skip | | reactivation | | |f| __V____ ( Parser ) | P skip | | | | |i| / \ \ / | | | channel | | |s| (spreadAct) \____/ | C match! | | _______ | | |h| \_______/ | | +A match! | | /old \ | |_|_| / ________V__ | R stop | | / image \ | / \/ / \ | S skip | | \ store /---|-\ Psi /------( Instantiate ) | | | \_______/ | \___/ \___________/ | |See the oldConcept algorithm in AI4U Chapter 29.
33. The Parser module decides what part of speech a word is. /^^^^^^^^^\ A Parser Determines Parts Of Speech /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ MINDCORE _____ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS /New- \ / \ | _______ | | | | _____ (Concept)-|-------------\ | | /old \ | | | | /Old- \ \_____/ | Audition | | | / image \---|-----+ | (Concept)------|---|----------\ | | | \ recog / | | | | \_____/-------|---|-------\ | | | | \_______/ | a| | | | |________V | c | | | | | | b|C| | | / Parser() \ | a | | | | | visual | s|O|f| | \__________/ | t | | | | | | t|N|i| ___V____ |noun? | s-/ | | | | memory | r|C|b| /Activate\ |verb? | | | | | | a|E|e| \________/ |adj.? | e | | | | channel | c|P|r| ___|_____ |adverb? | a | | | | | t|T|s| /spreadAct\ |prep.? | t-----/ | | | _______ | | | | \_________/ |conj.? | | | | /new \ | |_|_| / ______V____ | f | | | / percept \ | / \/ / \ | i | | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-----( Instantiate ) | s | | | \_______/ | \___/ \___________/ | h-------/ |See the Parser algorithm in AI4U Chapter 30.
34. Instantiate creates a Psi node for each instance of a concept. /^^^^^^^^^\ Instantiate Associates Psi Concepts /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ PSI _____ / EAR \ / \ MINDCORE /New- \ / \ | _______ | CONCEPTS _______ (Concept)-|-------------\ | | /old \ | | | | / Old- \ \_____/ | Audition | | | / image \---|----+ | ( Concept )---|------|----------\ | | | \ recog / | | | | \_______/----|------|-------\ | | | | \_______/ | a| | | | \ __|___ | c | | | | | | b|C| | ___V____ \/ POS \ | a | | | | | visual | s|O|f| / \ ( Parser ) | t | | | | | | t|N|i| ( Activate ) \______/ | s-/ | | | | memory | r|C|b| \________/ |noun? | | | | | | a|E|e| ___|_____ |verb? | e | | | | remembrance | c|P|r| / \ |adj.? | a | | | | | t|T|s| / spreadAct \ |adverb? | t-----/ | | | channel | |_|_| \___________/ |prep.? | | | | _______ | /Mind-\/ ___________|conj.? | f | | | /new \ |( Core ) /INSTANTIATE\ | a | | | / percept \---|-\"Psi"/-/ psi enx seq \ | u | | | \ engram / | \___/ ( act pos ) | n | | | \_______/ | \ jux pre / | a------/ | | | \___________/ | |See the Instantiate algorithm in AI4U Chapter 32.
35. The Motorium module is for the activation of motor memories. /iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ /YYYYYYYYYYYY\ | ||||||| || ||||||| | + | |||||||||||| | | ||||||| || | ___ | | + | |||||||||||| | | ||||||| || /old\ | + | |S|||||||||| | | ||||||| || (image)-|---+_ | |H|||||||||| | | ||||||| || \___/ | / \ | |A|||||||||| | | ||||||| || | (idea) __ | |K|||||||||| | | | ||||| || | \__/---------------/ \ | |E|||R|||||| | | |d------||---------|---+ ____ (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| | | ||||o|| || _____ | +-------/ \----\__/ | |||||N|||P|| | | ||g|||| || / re- \-|---+ / de- \---------|------*|||E|| | | || |||| ||/entrant\| + ( ci- ) | |||||||||T|| | | ||||||| ||\ image /| + \ sion /---------|----------*|| | | ||||||| || \_____/ | + \____/ | |||||||||||| |See the Motorium algorithms in AI4U Chapter 4.
36. The Security module protects AI and humans from each other. /^^^^^^^^^\ Concepts Subject To AI Mind-Control /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ / auditory \ / memory \ | / memory \ | _______asso-|ciative | | channel | | /old \rec-|ognition | | | | / image \---|---------+ | | | \ recog / |tag c|f | | | \_______/ | o|i | | | | n|b _________ | | | | c|e /syntax of\ | | | | e|r ( English ) | | | | p| \_________/---|-------------\ | | _______ | t| flush-vector| | ________ | | | /new \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | | | / image \ | /Psi \------/ En \----|-/ Aud \| | | \ engram /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |See the Security algorithms in AI4U Chapter 2.
37. The HCI module mediates Human-Computer Interaction. ___________ ___________ / \ / \ / Motorium \ / enBoot \ \_____________/\ ______ /\_____________/ __________ \ / \ / ________ / \ \/ main \/ / \ ( Volition )--------< aLife >----------( Security ) \__________/ /\ loop /\ \________/ _____________ / \______/ \ _____________ | / \/ | \/ \ | \ Think / ____V_____ \ Sensorium / | \___________/ / \ \___________/ _V_ ( Emotion ) / \ \__________/ ( HCI ) \___/See the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) algorithm in AI4U Chapter 3.
38. The Rejuvenate module keeps the artificial mind forever young. /^^^^^^^^^\ Rejuvenate Recycles Oldest Memories /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ / ________ \ / memory \ | | | | | | | | / / audSTM \ \ | _______ | | | | | + | | | | / "vault" \ | | /old \ | | | | | | | + | | \__________/ | | / image \---|-------+ | | | | | + |oldest memories| | \ recog / | a|C|f| | | + | | |to be forgotten| | \_______/ | b|O|i| + | | | | | | | | s|N|b| | | | + | |newest memories| | | t|C|e| | + | | | |to be recycled | | | r|E|r| + | | | | |periodically by| | | a|P|s| | | | | + |backwards shift| | _______ | c|T| | | | + | | | ________ | | /new \ | t|_|_|_ |_|_|_|_| | / \ | | / percept \ | /Psi \-----/ English \---|-/ Auditory \ | | \ engram /---|---/concepts\---/ lexicon \--|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \___________/ | \________/ |See the Rejuvenate algorithm in AI4U Chapter 21.
Chomskyan Syntax Structure as implemented with
Mind.html -- the Artificial Mind in JavaScript for MSIE.
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Syntax Strings Together a Thought /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ ________ semantic / auditory \ | /--------|-------\ / syntax \ memory |episodic memory| | | recog-|nition | \________/------------|-------------\ | | ___|___ | | |flush-vector | _______ | | | /image \ | __|__ / \ _______ | /stored \ | | | / percept \ | / \/ \/ Verbs \------|--/ phonemes\| | | \ engrams /---|---/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ of words/ | | \_______/ | \_______/-------------------|---\_______/ |
The above diagram shows the theory of how a Chomskyan syntax structure
reaches sideways into the auditory memory channel to control word engrams.
Japanese labels and English translations ( Brain - Theory ) /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Zuno no Gakusetsu /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / Shikaku no \ ________ / Chokaku no \ | Kioku Keiro | / Togo \ | Kioku Keiro | | /--------|-------\ \(syntax)/------------|-------------\ | | ___|___ | | \______/_____ | _______ | | | / \ | __V__ / \ /Doshi\ | / \ | | | / Zo \ | / \/ \/(verbs)\------|--/ Kotoba \| | | \ (images)/---|---/ Meishi\ \_______/ | \ (words) / | | \_______/ | \(nouns)/-------------------|---\_______/ | |vis. mem. chan.| \_____/ |aud. mem. chan.|
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Zuno no Gakusetsu /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / Shikaku no \ ________ / Chokaku no \ | Kioku Keiro | / Togo \ | Kioku Keiro | | /--------|-------\ \________/------------|-------------\ | | ___|___ | | | | _______ | | | / \ | __V__ / \ _______ | / \ | | | / \ | / \/ \/ Doshi \------|--/ Kotoba \| | | \ Zo /---|---/ Meishi\ \_______/ | \ / | | \_______/ | \_______/-------------------|---\_______/ |Chokaku = audition, hearing
sztuczna inteligencja -- Polish for "artificial intelligence"
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mozg lub Rozum /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / widzenie \ ________ / slyszenie \ | /--------|-------\ / mysl \ powrot | (pamiec) | | | pozna-|nie | \________/-----------|-------------\ | | ___|___ | | |wybor | _______ | | | / \ | ___|____ / \ __________ | / \ | | | / obraz \---|---/ \/ \/czasownik \-|--/ slowo \| | | \ / | /rzeczownik\ \__________/ | \ / | | \_______/ | \__________/-----------------|---\_______/ |
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Associative Arrays in the AI Mind /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ _________ / auditory \ | /--------|---------\ / ENGLISH \ | memory | | | recog-|nition | \_________/---|-------------\ | | ___|___ | | flush-vector| | ________ | | | /image \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | | | / percept \ | /psi \------/ en \----|-/ aud \| | | \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Theorie des Denkens im Gehirn /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / Sehkanal \ ________ / Hoerkanal \ | /--------|-------\ / Syntax \ | Gedaechtnis | | | Wieder-|er- | \________/---|-------------\ | | ___|___ |kennt- | | | _______ | | | / \ |nis __V___ ___V___ | / \ | | | / Bild \ | /tiefe \------/ Wort- \----|--/ Wort \| | | \ /---|---/Begriffe\----/begriffe \---|--\ / | | \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \_______/ |
/!i!i!i!i!i!\ ________ /iiiiiiiiiii\ /visual memory\ / \ / auditory \ | | / syntax \--------------|------------\ | | | \ node / ______ | memory | | | | \________/----/ \ | channel | | | | | /function\ | | | | /--------|--------\ | \ cable / | | | | | | | | \______/ | ____ | | | | | _V__V_ | | / \ | | | __|__ | / \ | | /stored\ | | | /image\ | /logico- \---------|------|--\ stem / | | | /percept\----|----/conceptual\ | | \____/ | | | \_______/ | \ cable / _____V__ | | | | | | \________/ / \---|-----'____ | | | | /inflection\ | /in- \ | | | | \ cable /--|----/flec- \| | | | \________/ | \tion / | | | | \____/ |
/^^^^^^^^^\ Systema Centrale Nervosum /^^^^^^^^^^\ / Memoria \ _________ / Memoria \ / Visualis \ / \ / Acustica \ | | / \ | | | | / nodus \-----------|-------------\ | | | \ syntacticus / | | | | | \ / ______ | | | | | \_________/--/ \ | | | | recog-|nitio | / focus \ | | | | /--------|-------\ | /functionis\ | | | | | | | | \ / | | | | ___|___ | __V___V__ \________/ | | | | / \ | / \ | | ______ | | | / \ | / rete \ | | / \ | | |( perceptum )--|--/ logico- \------|------|--/engramma\ | | | \ / | \ conceptuale / | | \ verbi / | | | \_______/ | \ / | | \______/ | | | | \_________/ _____V__ | | | | | | / \---|-------' | | | | / \ | _______ | | | | / focus \ | / \ | | | | \inflectionis/ | /inflectio\| | | | \ /--|--\ verbi / | | | \________/ | \_______/ |
Hearing Vision Concepts Volition Emotion Motor Output /iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ /YYYYYYYYYYYY\ | ||||||| || ||||||| | B H E | |||||||||||| | | ||||||| || | ___ | | + + + | | |||||||||| | | ||||||| || / \ | +----/ \ | |S|||||||||| | | ||||||| || (bears)-|--+ + (eat) | |H|||||||||| | | ||||||| || \___/ | + + \_/ | |A|||||||||| | | ||||||| || | + +---+ __ | |K||| ||| || | | || |||| || | +------------------/ \ | |E|||R|||F|| | | ||e-----||---------|--------+ ____ (fear)-|--*|||U|||I|| | | |a||||| || ___ | + + + / \---\__/ | |||||N|||G|| | | |||t||| || / \ | + +---+ / de- \--------|------*|||H|| | | ||| ||| || (honey)-|----+ + ( ci- ) | |||||||||T|| | | ||||||| || \___/ | +--------\ sion /--------|----------*|| | | ||||||| || | + + + \____/ | |||||||||||| |
Hearing Vision The Evolution of Concepts Motor Output /iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ Primitive Verbal Abstract /YYYYYYYYYYYY\ | ||||||| || ||||||| | + + + + + | |||||!|||!|| | | ||||||| || ||||||| | + + / \ + + | |||||!|||!|| | | | ||||| || ||||||| | + + / \ + + | |||||!|||!|| | | |b------||---------|--|---|-(blood) +---+ | |||||R|||!|| | | ||| l | || ||||||| | / \ + \ / __+__ + | |||||U|||!|| | | |||| o| || ||||||| |(red) + \ / (dan- )+ | |||||N|||F|| | | |||||o| || ||||||| | \ / +----+ \ger/-|----|------*|||I|| | | ||d|||| || | ___ | | +---|----+ \ / _+_ | |||||||||G|| | | || |||| || / \ | + + +------+ / \ | |||||||||H|| | | ||||||| || (image)-|--+ / \ + +(cour-) | |||||||||T|| | | ||||||| || \___/ | + (wet) + + \age/--|----------*|| | | ||||||| || | | | + \ / + + \_/ | |||||||||||| | | ||||||| || ||||||| | + + + + + | |||||||||||| |
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Concept of self or "I" as gang of /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / VISION \ logically equivalent neurons / HEARING \ | | linked by associative tags | | | episodic | I-----I I I I | episodic | | visual | I I I I I | auditory | | memory | I I I I I | memory | | recognitions | I-----I I I I | activations | | /--------|------I I-------------I | | | | | I I I I I | | | +--------|------I I I---I I | | | | | I I I I I | | | | | I I I I I | | | +--------|----------------------I I | | | ___|___ | I I I I I | ________ | | /image \ | I I I I I | /my \ | | / of my \---|------I I I I I----|--/ phonemic \ | | \ visage / | I I I I I | \ name / | | \_______/ | I I I I I | \________/ | | | | |
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ concept-fibers ganged together as /^^^^^^^^^^^\ / -infancy- \ 3 mini-grids of semantic memory / -infancy- \ | | including "grandmother" cells | | | episodic | * $ H-----H * * H $ H * H $ | episodic | | visual | * $ H $ * H *-* H $ H * H $ | auditory | | memory | * $ H $ * H * * H $-------$ | memory | | recognitions | * $---$ * H * * H $ H * H $ | activations | | /------- | * $ H $ * H-------------H $ | at | | | | * $ H $-----------$ H * H $ | multiple | | +------- | * $ H $ * H * * H---H * H $ | random | | | | *-------* H * * H $ H * H $ | intervals | | | | * $ H $ * H *-* H $ H * H $ | such | | +------- | * $ H---------------H * H $ | as: | | ___|___ | * $ H $ * H *---------* H $ | ________ | | /image \ | * $ H $ *---* * H $ H * H $ | / stored \ | | / percept \---|------H $ * H * * H $ H * H----|--/ H-e-l-e-n\ | | \ of Helen/ | * $ H $ * H * * H $ H * H $ | \ phonemes / | | \_______/ | * $ H $ * H * * H $ H * H $ | \________/ | | | | |