Summon the Tutorial AI Mind into your presence with MSIE.

The negSVO Mind-Module of the AI Breakthrough
by Mentifex

1. Theory of AI4U Algorithm Steps: Code the negSVO Mind-Module

   /^^^^^^^^^\ Generation of "men do not see God"  /^^^^^^^^^\
  /   EYE     \     | | |   ____________          /   EAR     \
 /             \    | | |  /  negSVO    \        /             \
|   _______     |   | | | (   Sentence   )      |               |
|  /image  \    |   | | |  \____________/-------|-------------\ |
| / percept \---|-----+ |   |      |            |             | |
| \ engram  /   |  a| | |   |      V_________   |             | |
|  \_______/    |  b|C| |   |     /   Verb   \  |  THINKING   | |
|               |  s|O|f|   |    (   Phrase   ) |  WITH A     | |
|               |  t|N|i|   |     \__________/  |  SENTENCE   | |
|               |  r|C|b|   V___  /|   |     |  |  IN THE     | |
|   VISUAL      |  a|E|e|  /Noun\/ |   |     |  |  AUDITORY   | |
|   MEMORY      |  c|P|r| (Phrase) |   |     |  |  MEMORY     | |
|   CHANNEL     |  t|T|s|  \____/  |   |     |  |  CHANNEL    | |
|               |   | | |   |  ____V   |     |  |             | |
|               |   | | |   | / Aux \  |     |  |   "men"     | |
|               |   | | |   | \"do" / _V__   |  |   "do"      | |
|               |   | | |   |  \___/ /    \  |  |             | |
|               |   | | |   |       /Adverb\ |  |             | |
|               |   | | |   |       \ "not"/ |  |   "not"     | |
|               |   | | |   |        \____/  |  |   "see"     | |
|               |   | | |   |          ______V  |   "God"     | |
|   _______     |   | | |   V______   /       \ |   ________  | |
|  /fresh  \    |   |_|_|  /       \  \English/ |  /words as\ | |
| / image   \   |  /     \ \English/   \Verbs/--|-/ auditory \| |
| \ engram  /---|--\ Psi /--\Nouns/     \___/   | \ phonemes /  |
|  \_______/    |   \___/    \___/--------------|--\________/   | shows a Theory of Mind.

The negSVO module negates the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) sentence
that is the simplest expression of thought in the artificial Mind.
When the negative Chomskyan transformation is worked upon an SVO
sentence such as "cats eat fish," the word order must change to
accommodate the insertion of a form of the auxiliary verb "do",
and an adverbial modifier such as "not" or "never" must be used
to negate the the main idea of the verb: "Cats do not eat fish."

2. Men Do Not See God

Our sample sentence of "Men do not see God" is chosen for several
reasons, chief among which is the simple brevity of all the words.

The sentence also remotely adumbrates the precarious topic of the
theology of artificial intelligence, which we need not go into in
this AI textbook for fear of offending religious sensibilities or
of failing to separate church and state in public institutions of
higher learning where no revolutionary AI textbook may be taught.
Suffice it to say that certain topics may be brought up in the AI
classroom or laboratory and then left to students to ponder or to
investigate independently. Foremost among such semi-taboo topics
is the inescapable mention that to create the artificial Mind is
often considered an attempt to "play God" -- especially since the
AI coder has such absolute and initially undefiable control over
the artificially intelligent life forms being created in the lab.

It is certainly not a besmirchment of religious sensibilities to
use "men do not see God" as a short-word, therefore space-saving
sample sentence, because the construct is only an idea and not an
assertion being maintained as part of the AI instructional matter.

3. Negation Is Necessary for Reasoning

The Mind-1.1 release is meant to be a Seed AI that will spawn all
manner of speciating and proliferating Minds and psyches Web-wide.
Just as we do not send our human children out into the world sans
and without whatever parental preparation we can muster, so
also we do not manumit Mind Children, Hans, without an ability to
reason, albeit primitively.

Negation is a fundamental building block of logical AI reasoning.
For example, the simple logical proposition of "if A, then B" may
be stated as "-A V B" which means that you may have "not A, or B" --
that is, you may have the situation of "not A" or the situation
of "B" and you may also have both at the same time, but you have
to have one or the other, because the "OR" symbol "V" (Latin vel)
requires that one or the other be true. You may have "not A"
without B, but A must always be with B, because: "if A, then B".
Logic dictates that any successful Seed AI must contain negation
as a primordial building block of the thought processes of Mind.

Logically, the most advanced feature of Mind-1.1 is its ability
to answer a "why" question with a "because" statement, but the AI
thinks in a rough, makeshift way of saying whatever comes to mind
with the assumption that a logically correct answer will be found.
Part of the technological Singularity mission of the Mind-1.1 AI
is to offer plausible manifestations of psychological phenomena
for observers to react to in bursts of creative accomplishment.
If the Seed AI fails to reason properly, let the World Wide Mind
or some other AI species provide the antithesis to the AI thesis.

4. One Can Not Prove a Negative

If the above proposition is true, then it itself cannot be proved
to be true, since the statement is itself a negative. Philosophy
uses such a statement to reject unverifiable assertions such as,
"A machine can not be more intelligent than its maker," or maybe,
"A robot feels no emotion." If ignoramuses on Usenet ignorantly
assert, "AI is not achievable because we have no Theory of Mind,"
Netizens immediately wonder how the discussant may be so certain.

5. What You Say Is Not Unmeaningless

The linguistic peculiarity of the triple negative in the sentence
above demonstrates the idea that negation may take several forms
and is not limited to "not" as the only choice among "never" or
"no" or other methods of negation known to nobody in particular.
The Behold-The-Singularity Seed AI uses "not" as an ideal example
to seed the creative efforts of legions of AI coders-in-training. is an overview of Mind.

6. JavaScript Seed AI source code with User Manual
// negSVO negates a subject-verb-object sentence.
function negSVO() {  // ATM 12aug2002; or your ID & date.
  tov = t;  // time-of-voice for echoing input.
  // Call nounPhrase() for subject:
  audMemory[t] = new audNode(" ",0,"{"," "," "," ");
  nounPhrase();  // First call to nounPhrase for negSVO subject.
  pho = " ";     // Reset "pho" by blanking it out.
  // Call form of auxiliary verb "do":
  auxVerb();     // Any of several auxiliary verbs.
  // Call negative adverb "not":
  for (i = t; i>midway; i--) {  // Look backwards for 12="not".
    enLexicon[i].enExam();  // Inspect the English nodes.
    if (en0 == 12) {  // If the #12 concept "not" is found...
      motjuste = 12;  // "nen" concept #12 for "not";
      aud = en5;  // Auditory recall-vector for "not".
      // break; 
    }  // End of search for #12 "not".
  }  // End of loop finding the word "not".
  Speech();  // Speak or display the word "not".
  // Call verbPhrase() for verb and direct object.
  verbPhrase();    // Find a verb +/- a direct object.
  // We insert a pov="}" so that Rejuvenate()
  // may detect incomplete thoughts to be forgotten.
  audMemory[t] = new audNode(" ",0,"}"," "," "," ");
  bias = 5;      // Expect to parse a noun=5.
  t = (t+1); // Advance time to separate reentered words.
  spt = (spt + 1); // Increment space-time simultaneously.
  enDamp();  // Deactivate the English lexicon.
  audDamp(); // Protect audRecog()?
}  // End of negSVO(); return to English() module.

7. Mind.Forth free artificial general intelligence with User Manual
\ negSVO negates a subject-verb-object sentence.
:  negSVO  \ ATM 29jul2002; or your ID & date.
  t @  tov !  \ time-of-voice for echoing input.
  \ We insert a "{" for the sake of Rejuvenate.
  123  t @  2 aud{ !  \  123 is ASCII bracket "{"
  nounPhrase  \ for subject of negSVO sentence.
  32 pho !  \ Reset "pho" by blanking it out.
  auxVerb   \ Fetch a form of auxiliary verb "do".
  midway @  t @  DO  \ Look backwards for 12=not.
    I       0 en{ @  12 = IF  \ If #12 "not" is found,
      12 motjuste !  \ "nen" concept #12 for "not".
      I     5 en{ @  aud !  \ Recall-vector for "not".
      LEAVE  \ Use the most recent engram of "not".
    THEN  \ End of search for #12 "not".
  -1 +LOOP  \ End of loop finding the word "not".
  SPEECH  \ Speak or display the word "not".
  verbPhrase  \ Find a verb +/- a direct object.
  \  The following inactive insertion is merely for closure:
  125 t @ 1+ 2 aud{ ! \ Insert "}" without incrementing "t".
  1   t +!  \ Advance time to separate reentered words.
  1 spt +!  \ Increment SPACE-time simultaneously.
  enDamp    \ Deactivate the English lexicon.
  audDamp   \ Protect audRecog?

\  13 pho !  ( ASCII 13 CR to trip a retroactive change )
\  AUDITION  \ to receive the carriage-return CR 13
  5 bias !  \ 29jul2002 Expect next to parse a noun=5.
;  \ End of negSVO; return to the English module. is the Mind.Forth User Manual. explains the Seed AI variables.

8. Analysis of the Modus Operandi

The negSVO module adheres to the neurotheoretical principle that
any word-engram re-activated in the auditory memory channel shall
be subject to a syntactic node of control in the semantic memory.
Thus the Sentence tree first activates the English lexical "fiber"
of "not" as a phonemic word that must then be activated in memory.
Note that the software activates the most recent engram of "not",
and that there will always be at least one instance of "not" in
the auditory memory because the English bootstrap contains "not".

9. Troubleshooting and Robotic Psychosurgery

Try in advance not to introduce any evolutionary bugs.

The AI Debugger program may shed some light in general on how to debug
and troubleshoot programs in artificial intelligence.

10. negSVO Resources for Seed AI Germination and Evolution

The negSVO mind-module is the subject of Chapter 10
in your POD (print-on-demand) AI4U textbook,
as worthily reviewed and intellectually evaluated
by Mr. Christopher Doyon of the on-line Turing Store; and
by Prof. Robert W. Jones of Emporia State University.
A search on eBay may reveal offerings of AI4U and
a catalog search for hardbound and paperback copies
may reveal libraries beyond the following where students
of artificial intelligence may borrow the AI4U textbook:
  • Hong Kong University Call Number: 006.3 M981
  • North Carolina State University (NCSU) Call Number: Q335 .M87 2002
  • Texas A&M University
    Consider as a way to
    circulate and track your wandering copy of AI4U.
    At your own library you may submit a request for
    the acquisition of AI4U with ISBN 0595654371.

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