Theory of
AI Textbook Algorithm Steps: Code the auxVerb Mind-Module
/^^^^^^^^^\ Generation of "what do you see?" /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ Pronoun +AuxVerb +Subject +Verb / EAR \ / \ | | | ___________ / \ | _______ | | | | / Sentence \ | | | /image \ | | | | \___________/-------|-------------\ | | / percept \---|---|-|-+ | \ | | | | \ engram / | s|y|w| | _\____ | | | | \_______/ | e|o|h| | / Verb \ | | | | | e|u|a| | ( Phrase ) | | | | visual | | |t| | /\______/ | auditory | | | | | | | | / / | | | | | memory | | | | ___|__ / / | | memory | | | | | | | / Noun \/ _/_ | | | | | channel | | | |( Phrase ) /Aux\ | | channel | | | | | | | \______/ \___/ | | ____ | | | | | | | | \ | | / \ | | | | | | | | \ | | /"what"\ | | | _______ | | | | | _\_|_ | / "do" \ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| _|___ / En \ | / "you" \| | | / image \ | / \ / En \ / Verbs \-|-\ "see" / | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \ \_______/ | \ / | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/------------|---\______/ | http://mind.sourceforge.net/diagrams.html shows a Theory of Mind.
The auxVerb module is an absolute necessity for English-speaking
machines who think and demonstrate a reasonable ability to reason.
Reasoning requires the use of negation, and negation requires the
use of the adverb "not", which in turn requires an auxiliary verb.
"For want of a nail the shoe was lost, and for want of a shoe the
horse was lost, and for want of a horse the battle was lost."
All is lost if our AI Minds lack the aid of the auxVerb module.
2. What Do You See?
If we ask a robot the above question and the robot has a sense of
vision, the robot will generate a response by exchanging the word
"what" for a noun linked to the concept of whatever it is seeing.
The robot may answer, "I see trees," or, "I see you." The Mind
of the robot does not need to use an auxiliary, helping verb in
a positive response, but a negative response such as, "I do not
see colors," requires the auxilary verb "do" in order to expand
the form of the verb so that the adverb "not" may be inserted.
These linguistic thought-structures are ridiculously simple in
comparison with the extremely elaborate machinery and software
required for the implementation of a robot visual input system.
Wouldn't you like to give your robot a Mind that can think with
language first, and then worry about implementing vision later?
Notice that the auxiliary verb "do" makes it possible to insert
the negative adverb "not" in the above sentence -- which happens
to be true for robots outfitted with a self-rejuvenating AI Mind.
Perhaps we could say that robots do not die in the ordinary sense
of the word "die," because it is so easy to repair a broken robot
and to start it running again. However, we are talking about the
artificial Mind and consciousness of the robot, and so we do not
mean death in the simple sense of mechanical destruction; rather,
we are referring to the immortality of a robot that will live on
and on with full mental consciousness until the Waermetod or the
"heat death" of the run-down and energy-dissipated universe. Do
you begrudge your robot -- your own and perhaps only offspring --
its chance to outlive your human frailty for eons and eons? No,
obviously not, or you would not be studying artificial AI Minds.
is an overview of Mind.
// auxVerb provides part of a compound verb form. function auxVerb() { // ATM 18jul2002; or your ID & date. // "can" -- one possible auxiliary verb. // "dare" -- one possible auxilary verb. // "do" -- call form of auxiliary verb "do": for (i = t; i>midway; i--) { // Look backwards for 59="do". enLexicon[i].enExam(); // Inspect the English nodes. if (en0 == 59) { // If the #59 concept "do" is found... motjuste = 59; // "nen" concept #59 for "do"; aud = en5; // Auditory recall-vector for "do". // break; } // End of search for #59 "do". } // End of loop finding the auxiliary verb "do". Speech(); // Speak or display the auxiliary verb "do". // "may" -- one possible auxiliary verb. // "must" -- one possible auxilary verb. // "shall" -- one possible auxiliary verb. // "will" -- one possible auxiliary verb. } // End of auxVerb; return to negSVO().
\ auxVerb provides part of a compound verb form. : auxVerb \ ATM 29jul2002; or your ID & date. \ "can" -- one possible auxiliary verb. \ "dare" -- one possible auxiliary verb. \ "do" -- call a form of the auxiliary verb "do": midway @ t @ DO \ Look backwards for 59=do. I 0 en{ @ 59 = IF \ If #59 "do" is found, 59 motjuste ! \ "nen" concept #59 for "do". I 5 en{ @ aud ! \ Recall-vector for "do". LEAVE \ Use the most recent engram of "do". THEN \ End of search for #59 "do". -1 +LOOP \ End of loop finding auxiliary verb "do". SPEECH \ Speak or display the auxiliary verb "do". \ "may" -- one possible auxiliary verb. \ "must" -- one possible auxiliary verb. \ "shall" -- one possible auxiliary verb. \ "will" -- one possible auxiliary verb. ; \ End of auxVerb; return to the negSVO module.
6. Analysis of the Modus Operandi
The early auxVerb module serves only to fetch a form of the verb
"do" from semantic and auditory memory in order to generate ideas
and sentences couched in the simplest possible syntax of English.
As artificial Minds spread further in their rush to evolve and to
speciate, likewise the variants and recombinants of the auxVerb
module will grow too incredibly complex for an introductory text
on artificial intelligence. In a nutshell: the purpose of this
AI textbook is to obsolete itself.
7. Troubleshooting and Robotic Psychosurgery
Try in advance not to introduce any
evolutionary bugs.
AI Debugger program may shed some light in general on how to debug
and troubleshoot programs in artificial intelligence.
8. auxVerb Resources for
Seed AI Germination and Evolution