Theory of
Algorithm Steps: Code the enVocab Mind-Module
/^^^^^^^^^\ enVocab Adds New English Vocabulary /^^^^^^^^^\ / EYE \ / EAR \ / \ CONCEPTS in SEMANTIC MEMORY / ________ \ | ______ | | | | _____ | / enBoot \ | | / old \!!!!|!!!|!| | / \ | / English \ | | / image \---|---|-+ | _____ / New- \ | \ "vault" / | | \ recog / | |c| | / \ ( Concept ) | \________/ | | \______/ | |a| | / Old- \ \_______/--|-------------\ | | | |t| | ( Concept )--|---|----|----------\ | | | visual | |s| | \_______/---|---|----|-------\ | | | | | e| | | _|_______V_ | | c | | | | | memory | a| | | / Parser \ | | a | | | | | | t| | | \___________/ | | t | | | | | reactivation | | |f| |noun? | | s-/ | | | | | | |a| |verb? | | e | | | | channel | | |u| ____V________ | | a | | | | | | |n| ( Instantiate ) | | t-----/ | | | ______ | | |a| \___________/ | | f | | | / old \ | |_|_| / ________V_ | a | | | / image \ | / \/ / \ | u | | | \ store /---|--\ Psi / ( enVocab ) | n | | | \______/ | \___/ \__________/ | a------/ | http://mind.sourceforge.net/diagrams.html shows a Theory of Mind.
The English vocabulary "enVocab" module stores the concept number
"nen" (number-English); initial activation "act" level zero; "fex"
(fiber-out) mindcore-exit tag; grammar part-of-speech "pos" tag;
"fin" (fiber-in) tag for concepts entering the Psi mindcore; and
"aud" tag for reactivating words in the auditory memory channel.
The software tags are the analog of associative tag fibers in the
CNS (central nervous system) mindgrid wetware of a human brain.
2. Words Remain in the Auditory Channel
When the English enVocab module, the German deVocab module or any
other vocabulary module for a natural language creates new nodes
on the analog of lexical fibers in the semantic memory channel,
the actual phonemic words remain and move about in the auditory
memory channel, where the human or robot mind hears itself think.
is an overview of Mind.
// enExam() is a method of enNode() // for access to English lexical nodes. function enExam() { // ATM 18apr2002; ID & date. en0 = this.nen; en1 = this.act; en2 = this.fex; en3 = this.pos; en4 = this.fin; en5 = this.aud; } // End of enExam method of enNode(). // enNode() is called from enVocab() // to create or modify an English concept node: function enNode(nen,act,fex,pos,fin,aud) { // ATM this.nen = nen; // n(umber of) En(glish) concept; this.act = act; // activation level; this.fex = fex; // fiber-out (from Psi); this.pos = pos; // grammatical part-of-speech; this.fin = fin; // fiber-in (to Psi); this.aud = aud; // aud(itory) recall-vector. this.enExam = enExam; // a method of this object. } // End of enNode(); return to enVocab(). // enVocab() is called from newConcept() or oldConcept() // to create a node on a concept-fiber by "attaching" // to it associative tags for En(glish) vocab(ulary). // enVocab() suggests the possibility of coding // frVocab() for French vocabulary (see ISO 639); // deVocab() for (deutsch) German vocabulary; and // jaVocab() for Japanese vocabulary, etc. function enVocab() { // ATM 18apr2002; or your ID & date. enLexicon[t] = new enNode(nen,0,fex,pos,fin,aud); } // End of enVocab; return to oldConcept or newConcept.
\ enVocab is called from bootstrap; NEWCONCEPT or OLDCONCEPT \ to create a node on a quasi-concept-fiber by "attaching" \ to it associative tags for En(glish) vocab(ulary). : enVocab \ ATM 21apr2002; or your ID & date. ( Number "nen" of English ) nen @ t @ 0 en{ ! ( Do not store the activation level; it is a transient.) ( Store mindcore EXit tag. ) fex @ t @ 2 en{ ! ( Store part of speech "pos".) pos @ t @ 3 en{ ! ( Store mindcore IN tag. ) fin @ t @ 4 en{ ! ( Store the auditory "aud" tag. ) aud @ t @ 5 en{ ! ; \ End of enVocab; return to OLDCONCEPT or NEWCONCEPT.
5. Analysis of the Modus Operandi
enVocab gets values for each associative tag from other modules,
then inserts each value at the proper time-related point or node
on a ganged quasi-fiber in the En(glish) lexical memory array.
6. Troubleshooting and Robotic Psychosurgery
Since enVocab stores associative-tag values in the English lexicon array,
any problems that result will typically be traceable back to where the
value being stored was set.
AI Debugger program may shed some light in general on how to debug
and troubleshoot programs in artificial intelligence.
7. English Vocabulary Resources for
Seed AI Germination and Evolution