________ / \ ( Motorium ) _______ ________ \________/\ / \ ________ / \ \/ main \ / \ ( Volition )-----------( Alife )-----------( Security ) \________/ ________ /\ loop /\ _________ \________/ / \/ \_______/ \/ \ ( Think ) | ( Sensorium ) \________/ ____V____ \_________/ / \ | ( Emotion ) ____V___ \_________/ / \ ( Audition ) \________/Next implement the Audition module as part of the general AI framework from
Sun.4.FEB.2007 Perl for Modular AI
http://modularai.messageforums.net/perl-for-modular-ai_t28.html Wed.13.AUG.2003 -- mind.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w # sub security; sub sensorium; sub emotion; sub think; sub volition; sub motorium; while (1) { security(); sensorium(); emotion(); think(); volition(); motorium(); } sub security { # http://mentifex.virtualentity.com/acm.html#security } def; sub sensorium { # http://mentifex.virtualentity.com/acm.html#sensorium print "Press ENTER or ESCAPE key: "; $_ = <STDIN>; exit if (/^\027/); } def; sub emotion { # http://mentifex.virtualentity.com/acm.html#emotion } def; sub think { # http://mentifex.virtualentity.com/acm.html#think } def; sub volition { # http://mentifex.virtualentity.com/acm.html#volition } def; sub motorium { # http://mentifex.virtualentity.com/acm.html#motorium } def; #--- Sun.10.AUG.2003 in the evolution of Do-It-Yourself Artificial Intelligence.
This weblog invites all Perl programmers to implement the
main Alife Mind loop of the simplest artificial intelligence. |