Overview Of
How To Code An AI
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ _____ /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ | | | /New- \ / audSTM() \ | _______ | | | | _____ (Concept)--|-------------\ | | /image \ | | | | /Old- \ \_____/ | audRecog() | | | / percept \---|-----+ | (Concept)----|-------|----------\ | | | \ engram / | a|C|f| \_____/-----|-------|-------\ | | | | \_______/ | b|O|i| |______| | c | | | | | | s|N|b| /Parser()\ | a | | | | | | t|C|e| \________/ | t | | | | | | r|E|r| ________|______ | s-/ | | | | | a|P|s| / \ | e | | | | | c|T| | ( Instantiate() ) | a | | | | _______ | t| | | \_______________/ | t-----/ | | | /fresh \ | |_|_| / _____ _____ | f | | | / image \ | / \/ / En \ / En \ | i | | | \ engram /---|--\ Psi /-/ Nouns \--/ Verbs \ | s | | | \_______/ | \___/ \_______/ \_______/ | h-------/ | See the ai4u_157.html diagram of how the AI is coded in software.
C Robots
Anomalie The Bull Dog built by
Jerry Woods
Bane Of O'Donoghue built by Kane Partridge and team
M2P built by Yong Voon Siew
Remulac built by
R. Steven Rainwater
Thing built by W. MacDonald
UltraBot 1.0 built by Kevin Pearce
AI Projects in C on SourceForge
ACORN natural-language lexicon and tools is a project
closely related in purpose and paradigm to the AI Mind.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/acorn/ is the summary page.
MultiThreaded CLIPS is a traditional expert system shell
which may eventually morph into a non-traditional Expert Mind
composed not of rules and weights but rather of traditional
mind-structures such as Sensorium, STM (short term memory) and
Motorium. Against the day when the expert systems achieve
consciousness and an encyclopedic knowledge base (KB) for
general expertise and superintelligence beyond human abilities, we
juxtapose our general-purpose AI with MultiThreaded CLIPS.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mtclips/ is the summary page.
Neu (neural) Net Work is a project that advances
towards goals set as successive Horizons: H0, H1, H2....
Horizon Zero (H0) was using the first demonstration of a
special neural network. Horizon One (H1) addresses visual
recognition and other tasks described in a to-do list of the
vaguely enigmatic but copiously ample documentation (q.v.).
Potential tie-ins with the AI Mind project include such
possibilities as a port of Mind.Forth into Mind.c using
neural nets to express various Mind modules; implementation
of sensorium/motorium elements as neural nets; and of course
the ever present, just-over-the-horizon goal of coding an AI
that may migrate the 'Net, lodging its alife memory banks and
executive control structures wherever it finds a Web host.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/nnw/ is the summary page.
The S.A.N.A Interpreter is a Simple Atomic Natural Associativity
Interpreter for distributed-computing environments, where AI Minds
may one day spread across the 'Net and flood all of Cyberspace
with distributed artificial intelligence. Therefore we follow
the inherent ideas and progress of The S.A.N.A Interpreter.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/sana2001/ is the summary page.
TinySoar is an implementation of the
Soar artificial intelligence
architecture that is intended to run on memory constrained devices.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinysoar/ is the summary page.
Implementing a Consensus AI Theory
The artificial Mind diagrammed above has already been released at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mind in the Artificial Intelligence category.
Although many of the hundreds of Open Source AI projects at Sourceforge
are technically more advanced than the Mind project and show far better
programming skills than is evident in the Forth and JavaScript AI Mind code,
the Mind project has several features which warrant its consideration
and candidacy as a working model of a seed AI to be ported into C
and other languages already being used in SourceForge AI projects:
Resources for C AI Minds
Last updated: 7 October 2007
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Sitemap of the AI Mind Project.