Summon the AI4U Textbook Mind into your presence with MSIE.

The Tactile Sense Recognition Module
by Mentifex

1. Overview and Brain-Mind Diagram

|                             The Environment                   |
|                ____________                _____________      |
|  _____________| The Senses |______________| The Muscles |___  |
| |                \ \ \ \ \      The Body     | | | | |      | |
| |         ________\ \ \ \ \__________________|_|_|_|_|____  | |
| |        |         \ \ \ \ \       |      Cerebellum     || | |
| |        |          \ \ \ \ \      | (Motor Habituation) || | |
| |        |           \ \ \ \ \      \___________________/ | | |
| |        |            \ \ \ \ \            / / / / /      | | |
| Feature Extraction:   | | | | | The Brain / / / / /       | | |
| |        |------------+-+-+-+-+----------+-+-+-+-+--------| | |
| | Oldest |Memories:  S| |M| |C| |||||||| |M| |M| |C       | | |
| |        |           e| |e| |h| |Concept |o| |e| |h       | | |
| |        |           n| |m| |a| |||||||| |t| |m| |a       | | |
| |        |           s| |o| |n| |Fibers| |o| |o| |n       | | |
| |        |           o| |r| |n| |||||||| |r| |r| |n       | | |
| |        |           r| |y| |e| |as the| | | |y| |e       | | |
| | Newest |Memories:  y| | | |l| |||||||| | | | | |l       | | |
| |        |            | | | |s| | Core | | | | | |        | | |
| |        |            | | | | | |||||||| | | | | |        | | |
| |        |            | | | | | |of the| | | | | |        | | |
| |        |            | | | | | |||||||| | | | | |        | | |
| |        |            | | | | | | Mind | | | | | |        | | |
| |(Future |Memories:)  | | | | | |||||||| | | | | |        | | |
| |        |________________________________________________| | |
| |___________________________________________________________| |
|_______________________________________________________________| shows a Theory of Mind.

2. The Sense of Touch

Among the full-word Robot AI Mind namespaces suggested at
and duly incorporated within the aLife artificial life module, the
Sensorium module expands to the following sub-modules as
enumerated on page 122 of the AI4U robot AI textbook:
audRecog -- auditory Recognition for a sense of hearing;
gusRecog -- gustatory Recognition for a sense of taste;
olfRecog -- olfactory Recognition for a sense of smell;
tacRecog -- tactile Recognition for a sense of touch;
visRecog -- vision Recognition for any sense of vision.

3. Robots with a Tactile Sense of Touch

4. Tactile Sense Resources

The tacRecog module is mentioned on page 122
in your POD (print-on-demand) AI4U textbook,
as worthily reviewed and intellectually evaluated
by Mr. Christopher Doyon of the on-line Turing Store; and
by Prof. Robert W. Jones of Emporia State University.
A search on eBay may reveal offerings of AI4U and
a catalog search for hardbound and paperback copies
may reveal libraries beyond the following where students
of artificial intelligence may borrow the AI4U textbook:
  • Hong Kong University Call Number: 006.3 M981
  • North Carolina State University (NCSU) Call Number: Q335 .M87 2002
  • Texas A&M University
    Consider as a way to
    circulate and track your wandering copy of AI4U.
    At your own library you may submit a request for
    the acquisition of AI4U with ISBN 0595654371.

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