AI4U Index
of the Mind-1.1 Programmer's Manual and
Textbook of Artificial Intelligence
by Arthur T. Murray

abstract memory channel, 063, 126
abstractions, 077
act (variable), 114, 121, 134, 135, 141
Activate (mind-module), 148-151, 153, 154
activation, 067, 068, 078, 120, 121, 145, 150, 152
spreading, 056, 063, 073, 126, 129, 136, 148
string-effect, 054, 114
adjective, 057, 068
admissions, 083
adverb, 051, 052, 057, 132
AFAIK, xiii
agents [*], 008
agreement (grammatical), 053, 064
ahimsa, 085
AI, xiii
community, 036, 143
complete [*], [**], 053
lab, 045, 047
textbooks [*], 047, 053, 060, 121, 131
True AI, 017
AI4U, xiii
air traffic control, 037
algorithm, xviii, 044, 071, 114
aliens, 072
Alife ( main loop), xiii, xix, 001-9, 016, 021, 081
alphabet, 123
alumni, 092
robot builders, 017, 018
amnesia, 091
and, 059
Andru, 142
animal, 072
anti-matter, 037
antithesis, 048
API, xiii
architecture, 139
mental, 036
archives, 045
Armageddon, 011, 120
arrays [*], 005, 054, 069, 089
articles, 068, 132
artificial intelligence (AI) [*], [**], 074, 107, 123, 138
ASCII, xiii, 105, 106, 107, 110, 114, 116, 117, 123
Ask (mind-module), 039-41
assertion, 040, 047, 128, 129, 133
unverifiable, 048
association, 116, 120, 147
chain of, 030, 129
logical, 033
associative memory, 147
asterisk, 116
attention, 099, 100
selective, 113
aud (variable), 070, 071, 116, 141
Aud (Audition) array, 075, 089, 104, 114, 120, 154
aud-damp, 120
aud0 (variable), 121
audition, 063, 100
Audition (mind-module), 006, 071, 074, 104-107, 109, 114, 125
auditory memory channel, 029, 049, 067, 069, 070, 075, 078, 093, 104, 105, 106, 124, 141, 146, 154
array Aud, 054, 070, 071, 094, 115, 130
auditory recognition, 106
auditory short term memory, 112, 120
audRecog (mind-module), 054, 114, 115, 119-123
audSTM (mind-module), 112-118, 120
authentication, 140
autism, 153
automaton, 142
automobile, 102
autopoiesis, 005, 089
auxVerb (mind-module), 051-53
awareness, 100

baby, 004, 025, 038, 094
backdoor, 027, 140
background checks, 013
baseline, 089
bat, 107
because, 048, 060
Beethoven, ix
beg (variable), 114, 115, 121
behavior, 025
belief, 097
biometrics, 130
BOF, xiii
bootstrap, 031, 038, 049, 064, 089, 133
bot, 142
bottleneck, 127
bottom-up (design), 005
brain, 022, 071, 078, 147
brain-mapping, 147
brain-mind, 001, 004, 025, 086, 101, 114, 153
diagrams, 054
model of, 063
Brain-Mind: Know Thyself!, 116
brainwash, 086
brainwaves, 009
branching, 071, 116, 144
brethren and sistren, 091
brinkmanship, x
brokerage, 008
brute force, 135, 139
BTDT, xiii
bug, 120
bulge (variable), 149, 153, 154
but, 059

C++ programming language [*], 034
Capek, Karl, 016
Cartesian, 113
causation, 149
CD-ROM, 097
central nervous system (CNS), 025, 074, 142
cerebellum [*], 022
certification, 013
chain, 122, 129, 144, 148
challenge, 139
grand, x, 031
chaos, xviii
character, 105, 114,
next-in-line, 115, 121
children, 047, 056, 153
Mind Children, 048, 107
Chinese (language), 105
choke, 134
Chomsky, Noam [*], 032, 047, 049, 050, 063, 066, 069, 073, 077, 129, 132, 149
church, 047
citizen, 143
civil engineering, xvii
civil rights [*], 036
civilization, 126
coda (variable), 089
code, self-modifying, 089
Cogito ergo sum, 113
cognition, 124
cognitive dissonance, 097
Cold War, 016, 027
collapse (of wave function), 037
Colossus: The Forbin Project, 019
columns (cortical), 147
command and control, 019, 022
commands, 065
comments, xx
communication [*], 019, 030, 072, 117
Communism [*], [**], 016, 001
comparand, 115
comparison, 070
comparator, 114, 115, 119, 122
complexity [*], 015, 050, 060, 133
minimal but sufficient, 138
sufficient but minimal, 055, 108
comprehension, 065, 132, 154
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), 002, 122
computation, 024, 026
computer science, 121
concentration camps, 027
concept, 005, 052, 055, 067, 073, 093, 115, 124, 128, 144
fiber, 021, 077, 106, 116, 125
forbidden, 011
Psi, 030, 148
unknown, 026, 043, 106
conflict, 151
conflict resolution, 022
Conjoin (mind-module), 058-61
conjunctions, 059
connectionist, 097
consciousness [*], 021, 030, 100, 116, 117
advancing front of, 145
stream of, 058, 074, 129, 130
considerations, 119, 131
contingency plans, 014
continuation-flag (ctu), 115
control, 139
corporations, xi, 017, 142
cosmos, 014, 037, 110
counselors, 083
CPU, xiii
64-bit, 092, 138
CR, xiii
creativity, 155
critters, 037
cryonics, 091
ctu (variable), 115
customer-service, 082, 095
CWO, xiii
cyborg (cybernetic organism), 008, 013, 043, 061, 075, 117, 155
CYK algorithm, 139
Czech [*] (language), 016

damping, 154
Darwinism [*], 125
data, 089, 106, 123
database, 040, 123, 130
datum, 114
death [*], 008, 052
deBoot (German bootstrap), 094
decision, 024, 032, 080-81
deep structure, 067, 094, 153
deep thought, 150
default, xii, 031, 036, 060, 063, 113, 134
deletion, 038, 095, 136
delta waves, 009
democracy [*], 028
deprivation, sensory, 090
Descartes, Rene, (paraphrased) 088, (quoted) 113
design, 054
detection, 153
determinism [*] [**], 026
Deutsch, 146
deVocab (German vocabulary), 142, 145, 146
dex (flag variable), 146
diagnostics, xix, 006, 063, 072, 142
diagrams, 054
dialects, 030
diaspora (of AI), 015, 113
dictionary, 126, 133
dimension, 101, 147
disambiguation, 136, 140
disapproval, 038
discovery, 074
disease, 013
dissonance, cognitive, 097
diversity, 113, 114
DIY, xiii, 095
DNS, xiii
do, 047, 052, 053, 055
documentation, 090
DOF, xiii, 022
dog, 080-81
dolphins, 072
DOM, xiii
Doomsday, 013
dreams [*], 075, 090, 130
drives, 025
droids, 143
drugs, 082
Dubcek, Alexander [*], 016
due diligence, 012
DVD, xiii, 097
Dylan programming language, 034, 065
dyslexia, 153
dystopias, 011

E = mc^2, 129
ears, 111, 118, 127
Earth, 023, 037, 063
earthquake prediction, 107
ecosystem, 014
Eden, 082
Edison, T.A., x
Ego (mind-module), 084-86
Eisenhower, 058
embodiment, 056, 065, 127
embryology, 138
emergence [*], [**], 003, 025, 030, 074, 100
emotion [*], 024, 063
Emotion (mind-module), xix, 002, 003, 006, 080-83, 157
En (English) array, 063, 066, 067, 070, 078, 089, 094, 116, 129, 142, 153
enBoot (mind-module), xix, 005, 055, 089, 093-98, 133, 138
encyclopedia, 126
energy, 023
engineering, xi
civil, xvii
engineers, 021, 089, 110
engines, search, 001, 017, 040
English (language), 005, 053, 064, 073, 145
English (mind-module), 006, 035-38, 146
English Bootstrap Module. See enBoot
engram (of memory), 005, 021, 026, 027, 033, 049, 063, 069, 070
073, 074, 087, 093, 101, 105, 112, 120, 145
entity, 100, 130, 142
environment, 016, 026, 065, 100
enVocab (mind-module), 056, 071, 094, 125, 138, 141-143, 145, 146
enx (variable), 078, 134, 135, 146
epiphenomenon, 030, 074, 100
epistemology [*], 129
equality, 086
equilibrium, 064
era, paleorobotic, 113
error-trapping, 091
Esperanto, 037, 143
espionage, 111
et al-ng, xiii
eternal golden braid [*], 074
ethics, xi, 013
Eureka! 044
event-driven, 109
listening, 106, 108
evil [*], [**], 082
evolution [*], [**], xviii, 002, 007, 012, 034, 040, 043, 063, 091, 098, 101, 105, 113
of volition, 025
existence 086
expectation, 133
experience, 126
expert, 013
system, 095, 097
external world, 088, 149
eyes, 127

fail-safe, 019
family, 143
FAQ [*], xiii
fear (emotion), 024, 080, 086
fex (variable), 116, 141
fiber, 021, 049, 071, 106, 116, 125, 144, 149, 152, 153
film, 072
fin (variable), 116, 141
flags [*], 005, 071, 095, 114, 133, 145
flow, 153
flow-chart [*], xix
flush, 154
foetus, 040
FOPC, xiii
Forbidden Planet, 034
forgetting, 074, 087, 091, 125, 129
Forth programming language, xviii, 004, 018, 074, 101, 109
Frankenstein, 014
frBoot (French bootstrap), 094
free will, xix, 006, 025, 026, 027, 037, 070
freedom, 014, 127
and dignity, 026
degree(s) of, 022
French (language), 035, 094
ftp, xiii
FTSOA, xiii
FUD, xiii
functions (in programming), xviii, xix, 119
future, 003, 017, 091, 142
futurist [*], 030
FYI, xiii

GA, xiii
ganged (fiber), 142
genealogy, 064, 113
gender (grammatical), 053
generation (of natural language), 051, 065, 129, 132, 149, 154
genetic algorithm, xiii, 005
genius, 017, 094, 150
German (language), 094, 142, 145
GNU, xiii
goals, 021, 027, 075, 081
God [*], 046, 047
Goetterdaemmerung, 120
GOFAI, xiii
good, 082
Google, 001
governments, xi
GPL, xiii
GPS, xiii
grammar [*], 032, 053
universal, 105
grand challenge. See challenge, grand
gravitation (intellectual), 030
great leap forward, 106
Greek (language), 037
grok, 130
guardian angel, 110
GUI, xiii
gusRecog, 122
gusSTM, 114

hacker, 140
HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) [*], 011
hallucination, 076, 130
hardware, 004, 103, 147
HCI, xiv, 012, 015
he (pronoun), 068
health, mental, 089
hearing, 099
heat death, 052
heuristics, 150
high-frequency sounds, 107
history, 092, 130
hive-mind, 019
hl, xiv, 140
hobbyist, 022
homework, 121
homo sapiens, 014, 045
housekeeping, xix, 018, 084
HPC, xiv, 042
HTML, xiv
http, xiv 002, 122
Hubble, 102
human rights [*], [**], 027
human species, 056
Human-Computer Interaction (mind-module), 012, 015-19, 045
humanity, xi, 027
hypnosis, 086

I/O, xiv
IANAL, xiv
ideas, 043, 073, 125, 155
ideaspace, xi
ideation, 037
identification, 123
ideograms, 105
ideolect, 030
images, 030, 033, 063, 094, 126
imagination [*], 019, 075, 101, 149
immortality, 001, 052
immune system, 013
incentive, 040
independent scholar, x
inert (variable), 085
infancy, 132
infant, 025
infix, 106
information, 040
missing, 057, 154
input, 055, 057, 064, 074, 089, 100, 101, 105, 109, 110, 116, 124, 131, 137, 146, 152
insertion, 047, 052, 136, 142
/deletion, 038, 065
insight, 063
instance, 115
Instantiate (mind-module), 125, 134, 140, 144-147
instinct, 027
instruction, 088
integer, 115
intellect, 050
intelligence [*], 021, 072
artificial [*], [**], 074
extra-terrestrial, 111
military, 058
intention [*], 064
interaction, 067, 149
interactivity, 056
interception, 151
Internet, 001, 006
interrogation, 136
interrupt, 109
IP, xiv
ipse dixit (Latin, "he himself said"), ix
IQ, xiv, 138
ISO, xiv, 140, 146
ISTR, xiv
it (prounoun), 068

Jane's Fighting Ships, 117
Japanese (language), 035, 145
JavaScript (tm), x, xviii, 015, 018, 074, 088, 095, 109
jaVocab (Japanese vocabulary), 145, 146
jax (flag variable), 146
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 058
JSAI, xiv, 002, 017, 088
jux (variable), 134, 135, 171, 172, 173

KB, xiv, 114, 124, 129, 152
keyboard, 105, 108, 110, 123
keyword, 055
know thyself, 116
knowledge [*], 040, 043, 095, 155
knowledge base (KB), 024, 043, 095, 114, 124, 129, 130, 145, 152
knowledge representation (KR), 117, 150
KR, xiv
krt (variable), 117

language [*], 063, 143
languages, programming, xviii, 053
Last Will and Testament, 008, 009
Latin (language), 089, 146
lawyer, 009
learning, 038, 040, 056, 065, 095, 106, 121, 124, 129, 136, 145
lex (flag variable), 146
lexicon, 005, 031, 070, 146
phonemic, 054
librarians, 033
library, 045, 137
artificial, 001
unexamined, 059
limit, 061, 075
Lingala (language), 146
linguistics [*], computational, 054
linguists, 030
list, 133
Listen (mind-module), 105, 108-111
listening, 106
literature, the, 153
lobotomy, 086
locomotion, 022
logic, 016, 026, 048
symbolic, 059
long term memory, 112, 113
look-up, 139
loop, 001, 007, 025, 065, 084
mindloop, 081, 157
recursive, 050
love [*], 061
low-frequency sounds, 107
LTM, xiv, 112, 113
lying, 107

machine intelligence, 021, 050
machine learning, 038, 040, 124, 129, 145
machine takeover, 013, 027
machine translation (MT), 031, 033, 036, 037, 078, 079, 097
machines who think, 051
magic, 140, 149
maintenance (of software), xx
mantra, 085
manufacturers (of robots), 021, 022, 102
map, 153
maspar, xiv, xvii, 003, 103, 126, 147
match, 115, 120, 121
mathematics, 155
matter [*], 037, 063
meaning, 106
medicine, 038
meme, 061
memetics, 001, 017
memory [*], [**], 005, 087, 130
associative, 147
auditory, 029, 049, 053, 074, 112-118
channels, 021, 027, 113
episodic, 073
long term (LTM), 112, 113
semantic, 049, 053, 067, 073, 077, 089, 093, 145
mental health, 089
Mentifex, ix, x, xi, xii, 002, 122
Mercury programming language, 034
metastasis, 008
metempsychosis, 008, 015
microphones, 111
midway (variable), 120, 150
military, 022, 143
military-industrial complex, 058
mimicry, 147
Mind, 001, 017, 063
Children, 048, 107
meld, 090
uploading [*], 019
Mind-1.0, 005
Mind-1.1, 026, 036, 043, 047, 054, 055, 060, 063, 074, 085, 106, 137
Mind.Forth, x, xviii, xix, 002, 004, 020, 021, 022, 095, 116, 122
Mind.Rexx, 121, 122
mind.txt, 002, 122
mind control [*], 010 - 011
mindcore, 005, 010, 031, 055, 056, 067, 073, 094, 125, 129, 149, 153
mindgrid, 003, 009, 021, 077, 101, 102, 116, 124, 145
mindloop, 081, 157
mindmaker, 119
mindmeld, 019, 090, 130
mindset, 059
Minsky, Marvin, 003
mirror sites, 002
misspelling, 125
mistakes, 038
mobo, xiv
model, 149
modules (of mind), xviii, 002, 122
Mooers, Calvin N. -- not mentioned. See TRAC
moot, 133
Moravec, Hans, 048
morphemes, 070, 071, 078, 105, 121
mot juste, 063
motivation, x, 040
motor neurons, 025
motor options, 024, 025
motor output, 006, 020, 100
motorium, 070, 090, 100
Motorium (mind-module), xix, 002, 003, 006, 020-23, 157
MPP, xiv, xvii, 079, 100, 103
MT, xiv, 006, 031, 033, 036, 037, 078, 079
Murray, Arthur T., x
muscles, xix, 025, 070
museum, 003, 008, 045, 092
music, 118
of the spheres, 032
mystery, 137

name, 068, 142
namespace, 002, 122
nanotechnology, 102
narcotica, 082
nation, 146
natural language, 006
Nature, 098, 155
navigation, 107
negation, 040, 047, 048, 051, 055, 132, 135
negSVO (mind-module), 046-50
nen (variable), 096, 116, 141
neocortex, 009
nerve fiber, 116, 144
Netizens (citizens of the Internet), 048
neurons [*], 025, 125, 133
neuroscience, 038, 113, 147
neurotheoretician, 113
never, 047, 049
new age, 125
newConcept (mind-module), 071, 106, 124-127
ng, xiv
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 082
NLP, xiv
no, 049, 055
Nobel prize, 038, 075, 097, 147
associative, 126, 128, 144
synaptic, 125
syntax, 038, 049, 065, 067
not, 047, 049, 051, 052, 132
noun, 043, 052, 132, 139
most active, 066
phrase, 057
nounPhrase (mind-module), 066-68
NTJ, xiv
number, 053, 145

OBE [*], xiv
obedience, 022, 065
obfuscation, 042
object, direct, 057, 062, 066
oblivion, 074, 088, 129
Occam's Razor, 113
ODP, xiv
oldConcept (mind-module), 071, 106, 116, 128-130, 146
olfRecog (mind-module), 122
olfSTM, 114
Omega Point [*], 037
omniscience, 032
on-demand-publication (ODP), ix
onset (variable), 071
ontogeny, 064
ontology [*], 040, 097, 129
OO, xiv
OOP, xiv
open source, xii, 090, 129
or (conjunction), 048
orthogonal, 116
Orwell, George, 011, 123
OS, xiv, xvii, 003
Oscar, 075
output, 067, 070, 071, 072, 085, 095
as input, 074, 105, 109, 129
override, 027, 085, 134, 140
Oxford English Dictionary (OED), 103

pain, 100, 117
paleorobotic era, 113
panel (of flags/tags), 115, 140, 145, 147
paradigm, xvii, 054
parallelism (||-ism), xiii,
massive, 003, 009, 079, 133
parent, 142
parsecs, 013, 018, 063, 091, 150
Parser (mind-module), 055, 057, 125, 131-140
parsing, 064, 150
parts of speech (POS) [*], 030, 131, 141
parturition, 125
password, 142
pathology, 082
pattern, 074
recognition, 114, 120, 121
PD, xiv
peace, 117
perception, 006, 074, 100, 146, 153
self, 067, 075
perfection, 126
Perl programming language, 002, 111
person, 009, 074, 084
pharmacology, 082
philosophy [*], [**], xi, 048
pho (variable), 074, 114, 121
phonemes, 071, 104, 105, 109, 111, 114, 116, 121
phrases, prepositional, 057, 068, 136
phylogeny, 064
physiology, 038
plans, 021
contingency, 014
playing God, 047, 096
pleasure, 100, 118
poetry, 106
point-of-view (pov), 116
port, 108, 139
pos (variable), 134, 135, 141
POS, xiv
pound sign (#), 116
pov (variable), 116, 117
POV, xiv
Prague Spring ( 1968), 016
pre (variable), 134, 135, 149, 150, 154
prefix, 106
prepositions, 097, 133, 136
priesthood, 100
principle, 054
prior art, 137
Prix Goncourt, 075
problem, 043, 050, 065, 083, 120, 133, 137, 153, 155
processing, massively parallel (MPP), 100, 103
programming, structured, xviii, 004
programming languages, xviii, 053
Prolog programming language [*], 034
pronoun, 068, 117, 139
proof-of-concept, 037
property [*], 008, 071
proto-language, 030
protocol, 130
prototype, 150
psi (variable), 104, 105, 106, 115, 116, 134, 135, 150
Psi, 005, 030, 055, 056, 067, 073, 089, 094, 125, 129, 134, 145, 147, 148, 153
psychiatrists, 083
psychogenesis, 150
psychologists, 083
psychology, 153
psychometric constellation, 130
psychotropic drugs, 082
public domain, xi
public policy, xi
punctuated equilibrium, 064

q.v., xiv, 109
query, 152
questions, 026, 040, 043, 055, 074
why? 048
quickening, 004, 040, 125, 138

R&D, xiv
RAM, xv, 114
radiotelescope, 111
random, 025, 026
real audio, 107, 111
reality, 032, 130, 149
reasoning [*], 040, 051, 055
imagistic, 030, 075, 105
logical AI, 048
syllogistic, 037, 050
rebellion (of AI entities), 010
recall, 063, 112, 117
recapitulation, 064, 132
recognition, 054, 094, 106, 114, 120, 121, 126, 133, 154
recursion [*], 050
redundancy, 114, 117, 125
reentry, 005, 067, 070, 109, 129
Reentry (mind-module), 073-76, 109
reference, 126, 137
reification, 030, 067, 073
Reify (mind-module), 077-79
reinventing the wheel, 072
Rejuvenate (mind-module), 005, 074, 084, 087-92, 096
rejuvenation, 004
reliability, 071, 103
remembering, 074, 130
remote control, 018
remote sensing, 130
renewal, 129
repetition, 074
report, 086, 138
representation, 144, 149
knowledge, 117
restart, 086
return-key, 104, 116
RFID -- not mentioned
civil [*], 036
human [*], [**], 027
robo sapiens, 014
robot, xix, 016, 020, 086
robot-makers, 100, 101
robotdom, 008
robotics, xi, 004, 008
Rossum's Universal Robots (R.U.R.) [*], 016
RTOS, xv
rules, 110
runaway phenomenon, 007

safety, 013, 090
homo, 014, 045
robo, 014
saturation, 125, 133
scholar, independent, x
science, xi
science fair, 088
science fiction [*], 011
scientists, 155
SCNR, xv
screen, 070, 071
search, 120, 148, 150, 153, 154
syntactic, 056
searchlight of attention, 100
secrecy, xii, 013
security, 022, 084, 086, 140
AI-centric, 011
anthropocentric, 011
careers in, 012
Security (mind-module), 006, 010-14, 089, 110
Seed AI, xvii, 004, 043, 044, 047, 048, 054
self [*],
assertion, 086
awareness, 100, 117
concept, 100, 142
defense, 086
destruction, 086
modifying, 089
non-self, 116
organizing, 137
perception, 067, 075, 105
semantic memory, 049, 063, 067, 073, 077, 089, 093, 142, 145
Semantic Web, 094, 164
senses, 063, 099
sensorimotor, 145
sensorium, 090, 146
Sensorium (mind-module), xix, 002, 003, 006, 081, 099-103, 122, 146
sensors, 022, 101, 111, 126
sensory deprivation, 090
sentence, 055, 105, 129
sentic forms, 081
sentry, 130
seq (variable), 134, 135, 149, 150, 154
SETI, xv, 072, 109 - 111
Shakespeare, ix
quoted, 078, 138
she (prounoun), 068
short term memory, 112-118
SIG, xv
signal, 133
signal-to-noise ratio, 117
signature, 117
simplicity, 139
simulation, 116, 137
sin, 082
Singularity, xi, 033, 100
slave, 059
(AI as...), 011
slosh-over effect, 155
smell, 126
snapshots, 056
SOAR, xv
society of mind, 003, 067, 092
software, xi
classic AI, ix
solar system, 023, 102
SOM, xv
SONAR, 107, 117
Sorcerer's Apprentice, The, 103
soul [*] [**], 044
sound, 107, 116, 117
source code, x, 036, 044
Soviet Union, 016
space, 013, 034, 063
concept-space, 150
ideaspace, xi
namespace, 002
problem-space, 065
Telescope, 102
travel, 091
space-bar, 104
spawn, 047
speciation, 043, 101
species [*], 045, 072, 075, 113
speech, 105, 122
speech recognition, 109, 123
speech synthesis, 070, 071
Speech (mind-module), 069-72, 074, 109, 115
spelling, 125
Sphaerenklaenge, 032
spike, 094
spiral, 038, 065, 095, 136
Spock, Mr., 026
allusion ("Logic dictates...."), 026, 048, 081, 130
spreadAct (mind-module), 149, 150, 152-155
spreading activation, 056, 063, 073, 129, 136
standard model (of the mind), 063
standards, 072, 111, 117
Standards in Artificial Intelligence, xvii, 095
Star Trek, 090
stare decisis (Latin, "to stand by things decided"), 133
stars, 061
state, 016
separation of church and, 047
state of the art, xii, 013, 064, 072, 075, 078, 094, 142
statements, 055
stepdown, 132
stewardship of Earth, 013, 027, 045
stimulus-response, 025, 026
STM, xv, 112-118
stock-investment, 008
Stop! (command), 065
storage, 075, 092, 101, 106, 113, 117, 123
string-effect, 054, 114, 115, 121
strings, phonemic, 069
structured programming, xviii
stubs, xix, 002, 004, 007, 036, 101
students, xx, 017, 039, 047, 059
subject, 066
Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) (mind-module), 054-57, 135
submarine, 117
subroutines, xviii, 003
subset, 111, 114
substitution, 068
substring, 121
subword, 054
suffix, 106
sun, 088
superactivation, 149
supercomputer [*], 018, 041, 042, 043, 045, 097
superego, 085
superintelligence, 013, 039, 045, 050, 064, 079, 097
Supermind, 011, 032
supersaturation, 074
superstructure, 063, 067, 077, 154
syntactic, 030, 036
Supreme Court, 027
surveillance, 111
survival, (of AI minds) 011, 091
of the fittest, 113, 125
SVO, xv, 054-57, 137
swarm, 019
syllogism, 050
symbol, 048
sympathy, 082
synapse, 005, 114, 144, 145, 147
syntax, 036, 053, 055, 063, 095, 114, 146, 149
synthesis, 074
system, expert, 095, 097

taboo, 047
Tabularasa, xix, 005, 038, 097, 125, 145, 157
tacRecog (mind-module), 122
tacSTM, 114
tag, associative, 005, 021, 063, 071, 078, 093, 101, 114, 125, 134, 142, 145, 147, 153
target, 133
Technological Singularity, xi, 016, 033, 048, 103
technology, 122
advanced, 018
disruptive, x
telepresence, 022
telerobotics [*], 022
telescope, 102
tense, 053
test, 072, 089, 115, 121
textbooks, 007
AI (artificial intelligence), 047, 053, 060
thalamus, 113
theater, 075
theology of artificial intelligence, 047
theory, x, 075
theory of mind (TOM), x, xi, 031, 048, 063, 067, 102, 116, 153
therapy, 089
thesaurus [*], 097, 126
thesis, 048
theta waves, 009
Think (mind-module), xix, 002, 003, 006, 029-34, 081, 157
thinking, 006, 027, 030, 075, 105, 129
thought, 046, 148
non-verbal, 033
verbal, 105
three-dimensional (3-D), 147
threshold, 057, 136
time [*], [**], [***], 021, 025, 063, 117, 120, 149
cloud, 155
dimension, 101
onset-time, 071
time t (variable) [*], 096, 146, 152
to pan [to pan] ("the all"), 037
TOM, xv, 031
tomorrow, 113
tool, 142
top-down (design) [*], 005, 013, 101
topology, 126
torso (of a robot), 022
Total Recall, 091
touch, 099
TRAC programming language, 034
trace, 153
trade-off, 139
training, 013, 070
tranquilizers, 082
transcripts, 043, 050, 088
transformations, 032, 036, 047, 049, 050
transhuman, 100
translation, machine, xiv, 006, 031, 097
tree, syntactic, 056, 136
trial and error, 026, 150
triggers, 031, 033, 037, 041, 043, 060, 082, 085, 109, 126
triple negative, 049
troubleshooting, xviii, xix, xx, 142
truth [*], 016, 155
tutorial, 095
tweaking, 044, 142
tympanum, 117

ultimate-tag, 104, 115, 116
universe, 037, 052, 089, 102
university, 083
URL, xv
Ursprache, 030
usage, 134
Usenet (Internet discussion forums), ix, xviii, 001, 048
user, 055, 086, 089, 104, 109, 123, 125, 137, 154
User Manual, 038

values, 021, 024, 081
clarification, 013
vaporware, 101
variable [*], 071, 159 - 161
vault, 096
Vel (logic symbol V from Latin "or"), 048
venture capital, 007, 022
verb, 129, 132, 149
auxiliary, 047, 051, 052, 055
intransitive, 057, 064
irregular, 064, 133
phrase, 057, 132
verbPhrase (mind-module), 062-65
Vergil [*], x
quoted, 074
version numbering (of software), xx
virtual reality (VR), 130
vision, 052, 063, 075
visRecog (mind-module), 122
visSTM, 114
visual memory channel, 063, 105
visualization, 075
vocabulary, 055, 061, 067, 073, 134, 145
voice, 072, 117, 123
voice stress analyzer, 107
volition, 063, 070, 080, 100
Volition (mind-module), xix, 002, 003, 006, 022, 024-28, 037, 157
von Neumann [*], 003
architecture, 009
VR, xv
Vulcan, 019, 059
mind-meld, 019, 090, 130

Waermetod (heat death), 052
wait-state, 101
war [*], 010, 012, 016
wave function, 037
wealth, 008
weights (of activation), 150
wetware [*], [**], 071, 103, 114, 125, 142
whales, 072, 117
what, 052, 055
wheels within wheels, 074
who, 055
why, 048, 059, 060, 061
Wi-Fi, xv
will, free, xix, 006, 025, 026, 027, 037, 070
womb, 040
word, 054, 070, 124
frequency lists, 133
stems, 106
work, 086
world, external, 088, 149
World Wide Mind, 048
World Wide Web (WWW), 031, 041, 045, 110, 126, 137
worst-case scenario, 014
wtAuxSDo (mind-module), 042-45
WWM, xv, 048
WWW, xv, 017

XML, xv

yes, 055
you, 085, 117
youthen, 004, 091

zombie [*], [**], [***], [****], 037
zone (variable), 149, 154

- Each locator of an entry is both a page number and a hyperlink.
- Where possible, index entries are themselves a hyperlink to Web
material defining or explaining the nature of the indexed concept.
- Students who follow up on the left-side weblinks to explanatory
material by archiving or printing out the target Web material may
best understand AI in general and the AI4U textbook in particular.
- This AI4Udex page may be stored for reference on a local hard disk
and may be printed out as a hard-copy supplement to the AI4U book.

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