/^^^^^^^^^\ The AI Mind To Be Coded In Flare /^^^^^^^^^\ / visual \ _______ / auditory \ / memory \ / \ / memory \ | channel | / English \ | channel | | | \ syntax /---|-------------\ | | /--------|--------\ \_______/ | | | | | recog-|nition | | | | | | ___|___ | ___V__ ___V_ | ________ | | | /image \ | / \ fex / \ rv | / \ | | | / percept \---|---/Psi EnX \-----/English\----|-/ audNode \| | | \ engrams /---|---\concepts/-----\lexicon/----|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \______/ fin \_____/ utg | \________/ | See the mindloop.html diagram of how the AI is coded in software.
Flare Projects on SourceForge
The Flare language project -- totally independent from the AI
Mind project, but sharing similar goals -- is on SourceForge at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/flarelang/ -- Summary page; and at
http://flarelang.sourceforge.net/ -- the project Home page.
Implementing a Consensus of AI Theory
The artificial Mind diagrammed above has already been released at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mind in the Artificial Intelligence category.
Although many of the hundreds of Open Source AI projects at Sourceforge
are technically more advanced than the Mind project and show far better
programming skills than is evident in the Forth and JavaScript AI Mind code,
the Mind project has several features which warrant its consideration
and candidacy as a working model of a seed AI to be ported into Flare
and other languages already being used in SourceForge AI projects:
11oct2001 [X] Open this liaison page between the SourceForge Mind and Flare AI efforts.
_________ [ ] Link from here to a Flare Mind project that someone starts on SourceForge.
_________ [ ] Glean ideas from the port project back into the Mind project.
Resources for AI Minds and Flare
Last updated: 21 June 2003
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